
Create a custom display for the cursor when interacting with SpringRoll display.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Cursor is a plugin for SpringRoll. It is designed to be a self contained way to have an on-canvas cursor with normal and pointer states, when using the SpringRoll forks of EaselJS and PIXI.js.

Note: due to currently ongoing changes to our PIXI support and loading process, the PIXI.js side of this has not been implemented within this library yet.


SpringRoll Cursor can be installed using Bower.

bower install springroll-cursor


Include easeljs-cursor.min.js in your libraries js or html, after your other libraries. Create a cursorSetting option when creating your SpringRoll Application. This is required to have normal and pointer properties which are image source for either cursor.

var app = new Application({
  cursorSettings: {
		normal: "assets/images/Cursor-normal.png",
		pointer: "assets/images/Cursor-pointer.png"

Or use a springroll.easeljs.TextureAtlas to combine the cursors into a single spritesheet. Where cursorSettings.normal and cursorSettings.pointer are the names of the frames in the TextureAtlas.

var app = new Application({
  cursorSettings: {
		atlasData: "assets/images/Cursor.json",
		atlasImage: "assets/images/Cursor.png",
		normal: "NormalCursor",
		pointer: "PointerCursor"


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