
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Running Locally:

  • Use Python 3.11

    • You can use a docker container to get the correct version of python: docker run -it --rm --volume .:/app --workdir /app --volume ~/.prefect:/root/.prefect python:3.11 bash
  • Create a venv (python -m venv env)

  • Enter venv (./env/bin/activate)

  • Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Ensure you have RolyPoly credentials (/set-password in Sprocket server)

  • Configure prefect to talk to Sprocket Prefect

    • prefect config set PREFECT_API_URL="https://[discord username]:[rolypoly password]@prefect.spr.ocket.dev/api"
  • Test connection with prefect deployment ls

    • There should be at least one item here
  • Now you can test runs with python ./src/flows/process-query-directory.py