An emoji-based language structured on Scheme's syntax.
Check out the tests folder for Scheme (.scm) and Schemoji (.smoji) equivelent files.
Simple factorial code:
(define fact (lambda (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
(print (fact 10))
🔸✏️ fact 🔸🐏 🔸n🔹 🔸☯️ 🔸🌜 n 1🔹 1 🔸🇽 n 🔸fact 🔸➖ n 1🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹
🔸🙈 🔸fact 10🔹🔹
run or src/ to convert between Scheme and Schemoji There's a --prettify flag that, when set, changes the open-close parens to be dialer keycode emojis, representing scope-depth.
e.x. python -m tests/circle_area.smoji
For Scheme, these files are tested against Chicken Scheme.
The rules are defined in src/
using conda: conda create --name schemoji --file env.txt
Peter Norvig and his wonderful walkthroughs of writing This project uses a lot of code from