

What is the Sputnik Network?

The easiest way to know more about the Sputnik Network is to watch our presentation!

For now, The Sputnik Network is an ecosystem of services that are connect Web2 with Web3.
We alraedy have Sputnik Network Bot, that works in Twitter and Telegram.
Any user of Twitter can login with Twitter-account to and topup balance of $AKT, $ATOM, $DVPN, $HARD, $IOV, $KAVA, $OSMO, $SCRT, $USDX, $XPRT, $ROWAN, $FET, $XKI, $CTK, $LIKE
Users of Twitter with available balnce can send crypto-tips to any other Twitter-user, even if this user didn't create an account.
To send crypto-tip, all you need is make a comment, write anything you want, or write nothing, and add:
@username amount crypto #sputnik
For example:

@ponimajushij 0.567atom #sputnik

After comment will be published, Sputnik Network Bot will see it in Twitter, and it will transfer from your balance 0.567 $ATOM to the balance of @ponimajushij
Also, users can send multy-crypto-tips in one comment!
All you need is to write in comment:

@ponimajushij 0.123atom @_krogla 1.23kava @kogisin_jayb 12.3iov #sputnik

After comment will be published, @ponimajushij will receive 0.123 $ATOM, @_krogla will receive 1.23 $KAVA and @kogisin_jayb will receive 12.3 $IOV

In Telegram, all you need is to start Sputnik Network Bot: and topup your balance
Users of Telegram can not only send and receive crypto in 3 clicks, but also use p2-exchange!
Here is a video-instuction How to use Sputnik

More info will be soon!

Our Roadmap

We’ve already come a long way, but there is even more new and interesting ahead of us!

Q3–2020 (Everything is done):

  • Launching a bot that can send and receive $KAVA in Twitter
  • Creation of digital infrastructure: website, social networks, etc ...
  • Community development around the project

Q4–2020 (Everything is done):

  • Implementation of Telegram in the bot functionality
  • Updating the website UI with the possibility to combine Telegram and Twitter accounts
  • Adding $HARD and $USDX to the bot functionality
  • Updating the website UI for $HARD and $USDX

Q1–2021 (Everything is done):

  • Implementation of the p2p-exchange in the telegram-bot functionality (Done)
  • Adding $ATOM, $IOV, $SCRT to the bot functionality (Done)
  • Updating the website UI for $ATOM, $IOV, $SCRT (Done)

Q2–2021 (Everything is done):

  • Creating of Sputnik Navigation System (add-on for Sputnik Network Bot and tool for DEX-trading) (Done)
  • Increasing the size of the project team (Done)
  • Creating social media for the Sputnik Network (Done)
  • Networking with projects (Done)
  • Looking for advisers and contributors for Sputnik Network (Done)
  • Looking for validators of future chains (Done)
  • Writing an applies for grants to Cosmos, Solana and Mina Protocol (Done)
  • Creating of presentation for the Sputnik Network (Done)
  • Creating of guides and articles about Sputnik Functionality (Done)
  • Launching validators in the networks of partners (Done)


  • Preparing documentation (In Progress)
  • New website design (In progress)
  • Implementation of the Starname service with the ability to receive and send funds to *starnames (DONE)
  • Updating the website UI with the possibility to combine Telegram and Twitter accounts with Starname service (Done)
  • Creating the Market of Usable NFTs by adding the functionality to sell&buy already registered *starnames into the p2p-exchange (In progress)
  • Implementation of Crypto Please Protocol (In progress)
  • Adding $XPRT, $OSMO, $DVPN, $AKT to the bot functionality (Done)
  • Adding $ROWAN, $FET, $CTK, $XKI, $LIKE to the bot functionality (Done)
  • Implementation of the liquidity pool to the p2p-exchange, that will allow users to earn with the liquidity providing
  • Updating the website UI for managing the liquidity pool
  • Adding the possibility to trade secret tokens sSCRT in a p2p-exchanger
  • Adding $BNB, $SOL, $MINA, $CYB, $JUNO, $FLIX to the bot functionality
  • Adding Kava-chain tokens: $BNB, $BTCB, $BUSD, $XRPB to the bot functionality
  • Updating the website UI for all new tokens
  • Creating Sputnik mobile app (In progress)


  • Decentralization of bot functionality: launching a test-net of Cosmos SDK based blockchain with an IBC module
  • Create a blockchain-game with bets & NFTs
  • Integration with Cosmostation Wallet App for the convenience of mobile users
  • Implementation of Keplr Wallet, Sollet Wallet and Auro Wallet for fast and secure access to the blockchains
  • Adding $LUNA, $UST, $TICK and other tokens of the Cosmos and Solana Ecosystems
  • Integration with BrightID service


  • Implementation of Discord into the bot functionality
  • Implementation of Reddit into the bot functionality
  • Launch of the main-net and token-distribution among the test-net participants, the most active members of the Community, projects that support Sputnik, advisers, contributors and team members.


  • Launch the First Sputnik Game Championship
  • Create a platform for NFTs pawnshop & auction
  • Add more Cosmos & Solana tokens to p2p-exchange in TG, Discord, App and Web-page


  • Launch the second test-net
  • Integration with DEX’s of the Cosmos and Solana Ecosystems
  • Add AI-bots for easy Web2 <-> Web3


  • Create the bridge with Mina Protocol
  • Create the bridge with Solana Ecosystem
  • Launch the second main-net of Sputnik Network