
Modular electronics systems

MIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains a modular system for electronics projects. It encompasses a backplane of which a few variants exist. Next to that there are various modules that are plugged into this backplane. These modules are 4 by 5 cm in size and the current backplane can contain 4 of them in a 2 by 2 grid. These modules come in different sizes, a 1by1 module occupies just one spot on the backplane, the 2by1 and 1by2 module occupy two spots and are for larger projects. Hypothetically there would also be a 2by2 module also but if you have that, why do you need a backplane? If you use stackable headers for the modules, in principle you could stack multiple modules on top of eachother.

There are various modules available with the following functions:

  • Power supply in a few different variants
  • Microcontroller boards in a few different variants

These are "generic" building blocks so they can be used in many different projects. Project specific modules usually are owned by the projects themselves. Below is a non exhaustive list of projects using this system:

I intend to use this system for many projects I have in mind.


  • electronics contains all the electronic hardware
  • software contains all the software used in the project. Mostly contains examples for the microcontroller boards using this system.
  • mechanical contains all the CAD drawings, mostly 3d printable objects.
  • documentation contains more in depth information and examples using this system.


This repository makes extensive use of submodules, use git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Squantor/generic_project_template.git to clone everything in one go.