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Antoing armories


A city map of Antoing made with the objective of reconnecting the inhabitants to the land.
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Usage
  3. Roadmap
  4. Contact
  5. Acknowledgments

About The Project

Boot'Antoing Screen Shot

Boot'Antoing was made during a Citizens of Wallonia hackathon.
The aim is to reconnect the citizens of Antoing with the history of their home, to boost local city life, and aid local shops.
The hackathon was only for a week-end, so it's a prototype, not a full app. The final goal would be to have an app integrated into Wallonie en Poche, that people could use to plan walks around the land and discover its heritage and local life along the way.

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Built With

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • Sass
  • Tailwind
  • Leaflet

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The app would be used to plan local strolls, discover local history and monuments, be informed about local events, participate in games to win some local products and sales coupons for local shops, all in the goal of re-injecting life in the town.

For more examples, please refer to the Prototype deploy

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  • Transitionning to mobile app
  • Adding capacity to scan QR codes
  • Adding quizz about local history
    • Explorer badges unlocked by visiting checkpoints

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Project repository

Angélique Paquot - github - linkedin - discord

Corentine Renuart - github - linkedin - discord

Eva Mélinand - github - linkedin - discord

Jean-Christophe Molhant - github - linkedin - discord

Loïc Rouaud - github - linkedin - discord

Lucas Ielli - github - linkedin - discord

Stéphanie Antignac - github - linkedin - discord

Zoé Ranzy - github - linkedin - discord

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