The package can be installed
by replacing ecto_sql
with ecto_aql
in your Phoenix Project's mix.exs
def deps do
{:ecto_aql, git: "git://"}
Inside <YOUR-PHOENIX-PROJECT>/priv/repo/migrations/.formatter.exs
add ecto_aql
- import_deps: [:ecto_sql]
+ import_deps: [:ecto_aql]
Inside <YOUR-PHOENIX-PROJECT>/lib/hopper/repo.ex
replace the default use
macro with:
use EctoAQL.Repo,
otp_app: :the_name_of_your_app
Run ArangoDB on http://localhost:8529 and create a database.
Inside <YOUR-PHOENIX-PROJECT>/config/dev.exs
replace the default Repo
config with:
config :your_otp_app, YourApp.Repo,
pool_size: 10,
database: "name_of_the_database",
show_sensitive_data_on_connection_error: true
into the root of your Phoenix project directory and run:
$ mix ecto.setup.arango
Setup Complete!
This command will create a system collection called _migrations
in the _system
db of Arango and will create a MASTER
migration document that will be used to keep track of the migrated versions of your database.
To generate migrations run:
$ mix ecto.gen.migration create_users
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20200114155636_create_users.exs
This will create a base migration module with two main functions:
to migrate the dbdown
to rollback the db
Inside the file you can use the publicly available functions from EctoAQL.Repo
module like so:
defmodule YourApp.Repo.Migrations.CreateUsers do
alias Elixir.YourApp.Repo
def up do
Repo.create_collection("users", :document)
def down do
To run the migration run:
$ mix ecto.migrate # or mix ecto.migrate up
Successfully Migrated 20200114155636_create_users.exs
To rollback run:
$ mix ecto.migrate rollback
Successfully Rolled Back 20200114155636