
Platform agnostic information about TERA packets and enums.

TERA protocol data. Reference parser can be found at tera-data-parser.

Contained files


  • protocol.<shareRevision>.map - Maps packet names to numerical opcodes (randomized by BHS each patch).
  • sysmsg.<majorPatchVersion>.map - Maps system messages to IDs.


  • <packetName>.<version>.def - Defines a packet structure.

.map specification

A simple enum format. Each line may contain a single key-value pair seperated by space(s), tab(s) and/or =. Additionally supports comments preceded by #.

# This is a comment
ONE = 1
TWO = 2
THREE = 3 # This is the third value

.def specification

Each line may contain the following, in order:

  • A series of - specifying array nesting.
  • A data type (listed below).
  • (whitespace)
  • A field name.

A # and anything after it on the line are treated as comments and should be ignored when parsing.

# Some comment
uint64 gameId # Your character

array someArray
- int32 value1
- int32 value2
- array nestedArray
- - int32 value1
- - int32 value2

Fixed Types

  • bool - 1-byte boolean (0 = false, 1 = true). Common uses: Various
  • byte - Unsigned 1-byte integer.*
  • int16 - 2-byte signed integer. Common uses: Player stats
  • uint16 - 2-byte unsigned integer.
  • int32 - 4-byte signed integer. Common uses: Various
  • uint32 - 4-byte unsigned integer. Common uses: UniqueID
  • int64 - 8-byte signed integer. Common uses: Money, Date
  • uint64 - 8-byte unsigned integer. Common uses: GameID
  • float - 4-byte floating point. Common uses: Scale, Speed
  • double - 8-byte floating point.*
  • angle - 2-byte rotation (usually represented as radians). Common uses: Direction
  • vec3 - 12-byte vector of 3 floats. Common uses: Position
  • vec3fa - 12-byte vector of 3 angles inefficiently stored as integer floats. Common uses: Cosmetic rotation
  • skillid - 8-byte (patch >=74) or 4-byte (patch <=73) skill ID.
  • customize - 8-byte array of character customization fields.

* Rarely used.

Variable-Length Types

These are automatically hoisted to the top should they appear after other data.

  • string - Unicode string.
  • array - An array of objects.
  • bytes - An array of bytes.


  • object - Lets you group other data in its own namespace.

Packet data structure

  • All data types are little-endian.
  • All packets start with uint16 size, uint16 packetID.
  • string: uint16 offset directly after header, which points to a 0-terminated UCS2 string.
  • bytes: uint16 offset, uint16 count directly after header, which points to an array of bytes.
  • array: uint16 count, uint16 offset directly after the header, which points to the first <node>.
    • <node>: uint16 offset, uint16 nextOffset, followed by data.

.def versioning

When submitting changes, contributors must leave older versions untouched unless they are trivially backwards compatible. Instead, submit the changed definition as a new file with the version number incremented.