
Live stream using RTMP for React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScript

📺 Live stream RTMP server

Live stream using RTMP for React Native App Live Stream

Client: https://github.com/sieuhuflit/react-native-live-stream-rtmp-example

Demo v2

Note: Here is demo for version 2.0

Demo v1

Note: Here is demo for version 1.0

Streamer Viewer


  • ✅ Live Stream with input username account
  • ✅ The video can replay
  • ✅ Live update status when Pending, On Live, and Finish live streaming process
  • ✅ Streamer and viewer can chat and send heart when livestream

Teachnology using

  • Using node-media-server


Then start MongoDB. Then type the following to terminal

# mongo

Then switch to admin database

> use admin

Then create user admin

  user: 'admin',
  pwd: '123456',
  roles: [
    { role: 'userAdminAnyDatabase', db: 'admin' },
    { role: 'dbAdminAnyDatabase', db: 'admin' },
    { role: 'readWriteAnyDatabase', db: 'admin' }

Get Start

yarn install
node server.js

Want to Replay video

Concept: After live stream finish, the mp4 file will generate and save to folder media/* folder. We need to do this step to get exact mp4 path information and save it to MongoDB.

Open this file node_modules/node_media_server/node_trans_session.js. Then import this to the top

const context = require('./node_core_ctx');

Then add this

context.nodeEvent.emit('getFilePath', this.conf.streamPath, ouPath, mp4FileName);

Under this line

Logger.log('[Transmuxing MP4] ' + this.conf.streamPath + ' to ' + ouPath + '/' + mp4FileName);

The result look similar like this

// ...
const context = require("./node_core_ctx");
// ...

class NodeTransSession extends EventEmitter {
  constructor(conf) {
    this.conf = conf;

  run() {
    // ...
    // Rest of stuff
    // ...
    if (this.conf.mp4) {
      this.conf.mp4Flags = this.conf.mp4Flags ? this.conf.mp4Flags : '';
      let now = new Date();
      let mp4FileName = dateFormat('yyyy-mm-dd-HH-MM') + '.mp4';
      let mapMp4 = `${this.conf.mp4Flags}${ouPath}/${mp4FileName}|`;
      mapStr += mapMp4;
      Logger.log('[Transmuxing MP4] ' + this.conf.streamPath + ' to ' + ouPath + '/' + mp4FileName);

      // ===> ADD THIS LINE
      context.nodeEvent.emit("getFilePath", this.conf.streamPath, ouPath, mp4FileName);


Common Problem

1/ I can't replay the video ?

Sometimes the video can't replay, you need to wait a little bit wait the saving mp4 file process finish, then you can replay the video.
