Cross-platform shadow for React Native. Supports Android, iOS, Web, and Expo
Pinned issues
- 5
Any tips for getting the shadow to render on the first render without explicitly setting width and height?
#85 opened by melyux - 1
Corners/sides types should allow Partial
#83 opened by justjooshing - 1
Sandbox update
#82 opened by justjooshing - 2
Draw a shadow around an svg
#84 opened by RobinBobin - 4
Does React Native 0.76 replace this library?
#86 opened by g-otn - 2
the shadow can not as same as web css
#81 opened by JRfan123 - 2
I'm using react-native-shadow-2 but it's weirdly slow when switching to screen ?
#80 opened by sindarovcoder - 3
Unable to find an element with testID
#74 opened by sokolovdm - 3
could you provide a new prop `blur`?
#66 opened by SnowingFox - 5
THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE -- Just a big thank you!
#50 opened by Demetre - 9
- 4
How to convert Figma design with box-shadow
#52 opened by chenop - 0
#78 opened by Alireza17224 - 3
Fail to compile on web "Support for the experimental syntax 'jsx' isn't currently enabled"
#77 opened by bennyxguo - 4
Inner shadow
#71 opened by Ali-Oliaee - 6
How to apply blur radius?
#31 opened by buitrbao222 - 2
Sides and corners
#76 opened by dotoff - 1
Can I do this effect with this library?
#75 opened by bolan9999 - 5
Issue with borderRadius in the latest version 7 when size of the elements changes
#72 opened by midrizi - 3
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Crash on Android runtime
#46 opened by ScreamZ - 1
X offset not working on IOS
#67 opened by YoussefHenna - 1
x-axis offset not working as expected (iOS)
#65 opened by dmdmd - 5
Support for Animated?
#51 opened by Decezaris - 2
Border radius problem
#64 opened by benjaminfrancois - 2
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Bug: The argument must be a React element, but you passed null with & weird behavior in corners - newest version
#56 opened by alexco2 - 1
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Remove error when >1 child
#38 opened by SrBrahma - 2
Web can't support more than 1 shadow.
#53 opened by GreyJohnsonGit - 4
Not able to apply shadow on Pressable
#55 opened by arjunsn - 5
Feature request: add support Animated
#27 opened by dodiwknd - 1
Question: Does it have inset shadows?
#49 opened by mikgoldwyn - 3
Crash: RadialGradient using radius of 0
#47 opened by Czino - 2
Applying Shadow shrinks my view away
#45 opened by raarts - 5
Typescript: missing children on ShadowProps
#44 opened by Czino - 2
React native navigation(bottom-tabs)
#43 opened by FilippYunikov - 4
feature request: integrate the styles at react-native-shadow-2 inside the styled-components
#41 opened by vagnerwentz - 7
1 pixel line on iOS when using offset
#36 opened by walterholohan - 1
It seems that the ios shadow property on react native is different from what this package shows
#37 opened by Fuyun791 - 9
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pixel gap on ios
#28 opened by joe06102 - 2
couldn't parse the color string
#34 opened by jcdhlzq - 5
reported a percent.match error, I don't know why
#35 opened by Fuyun791 - 6
[Performance] Too much views
#30 opened by davidnum - 3
Failed build for web
#29 opened by DrDezmond - 2
Needs to set pointerEvents="box-none"
#24 opened by AdamSheaHewett - 3