- Install required packets (sudo apt-get install libpq-dev postgresql postgresql-contrib).
- Enter to postgres user (su postgres).
- Start a postgres session (psql).
- Creta a database (CREATE DATABASE bareto;).
- Create a new user for the database and CHANGE THE PASSWORD! (CREATE USER baretouser WITH PASSWORD 'ChangeThisPassword!';).
- Change the encoding (ALTER ROLE baretouser SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';).
- Change the transaction isolation (ALTER ROLE baretouser SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';).
- Change the time zone (ALTER ROLE baretouser SET timezone TO 'UTC';).
- Add privileges to the new user (GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE bareto TO baretouser;).
- Exit form the postgres session (\q).
- Exit from the postgres user(exit).
- Basic create / modify /delete assets
- Basic create / modify /delete vulnerabilities
- Add HTML editor in assets and vulnerabilities
- Upload images in the HTML editor field
- Python bindings to interact with the API
- Example scripts with the bidings (Nessus, CSV, docx, ...)