
Leverage HuggingFace AI model for image background removal

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Leverage Hugging Face AI model briaai/RMBG-1.4 for image background removal in Node.js.

Saves the result as a compressed PNG, WEBP, and HEIC, which will keep the transparency of the image background. Also supports JPEG.

  • required Option: -i, --input {input}
    • Input URL, or filepath, or glob*
  • required Option: -o, --output {output}
    • Output filepath, or folder (if glob*)
    • Note: if a filepath, it should be named .png.
  • option: -p, --png
    • Save/compress to PNG
  • option: -w, --webp
    • Save/compress to WEBP
  • option: -h, --heic
    • Save/compress to HEIC
  • option: -j, --jpeg
    • Save/compress to JPEG
  • option: -s, --skip
    • Skip found background-removed images
    • Save/compress to JPEG
  • option: --fxlb
    • Apply FX: lens blur
  • option: --fxsb
    • Apply FX: surface blur

Credit 🙏

The inspiration and basis for this project was taken from this repo and transformers.js.