Push_swap is a function that sorts in ascending order a stack (stack a) using a temporal stack (stack b).
- sa: Swaps the first two elements at the top of stack a.
- sb: Swaps the first two elements at the top of stack b.
- ss: Does sa and sb at the same time.
- pa: If stack b is not empty, puts the first element at the top into stack a.
- pb: If stack a is not empty, puts the first element at the top into stack b.
- ra: Shifts up all elements of stack a by 1. So the first element becomes the last one.
- rb: Shifts up all elements of stack b by 1. So the first element becomes the last one.
- rr: Does ra and rb at the same time.
- rra: Shifts down all elements of stack a by 1. So the last element becomes the first one.
- rrb: Shifts down all elements of stack b by 1. So the last element becomes the first one.
- rrr: Does rra and rrb at the same time.
The goal is to sort the stack in the lowest amount of operations possible.
I have to create a function that has to replicate the behaviour of the given checker for push_swap.
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