
Attribute parser playground for typegraphql-prisma plugin system

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Attribute parser for plugin system

This attribute parser implements the Prisma spec for attributes and expands it with type checking and signature validation.

Plugin config

Example usage:

const pluginLoader = require("./src");

const validatorPluginConfig = {
  namespace: "Validator",
  methods: {
    IsEmail: {
      targets: {
        field: true,
        block: false
      parameters: {}
    Min: {
      targets: {
        field: true,
        block: false
      parameters: {
        _: {
          type: "number",
          required: true
        message: {
          type: "string",
          required: false

const TypeGraphQLPluginConfig = {
  // [...]

const parser = pluginLoader([validatorPluginConfig, TypeGraphQLPluginConfig]);

const parsed = parser.run(`@Validator.Min(30, "Password must be atleast 30 characters long")`);

console.log(JSON.stringify(parsed, null, 2));
  "isError": false,
  "result": {
    "type": "attribute",
    "value": {
      "context": "field",
      "namespace": "Validator",
      "method": "Min",
      "parameters": [
          "key": "_",
          "value": {
            "type": "number",
            "value": 30
          "key": "message",
          "value": {
            "type": "string",
            "value": "Password must be atleast 30 characters long"
  "index": 74,
  "data": null

The namespace will appear after the field or block attribute switch.

So for example to use the IsEmail method you have to write:


First appears the field or block selector, the configuration in this case says that it can only be attributed to fields, so if two @@ are ussed a parse error will appear:

> @@Validator.IsEmail
< 'Validator.IsEmail' cannot be used in the context of 'block', valid contexts [field]

If the namespace doesn't exist:

> @Authorization.Grant("user")
< Namespace 'Authorization' is not registered by any loaded plugin, valid ones [TypeGraphQL, Validator]

If the method doesn't exist:

> @Validator.IsURI
< Method 'IsURI' is not a registered method in the namespace 'Validator', valid ones [IsEmail, Min]

Plugins must configure each method signature with:

  • If the argument is required or not
  • The type of the argument

By the looks of the Prisma spec valid types for the oficial spec are boolean, number, string and the equivalent array ones (boolean[], number[], string[]). there is also any and any[] for when we don't want to force a type.

Method arguments

There may be any number of named arguments. If there is a positional argument, if it's present and required, the caller must place it before any named arguments. Named arguments may appear in any order:

@@pg.index([ email, first_name ], name: "my_index", partial: true)
@@pg.index([ first_name, last_name ], unique: true, name: "my_index")
@pg.numeric(precision: 5, scale: 2)
@Validator.Min(10, message: "Password must be atleast 10 characters long")

methods with arguments with the same name will cause an error:

> @Validator.Min(55, message: "hello", message: "there")
< key 'message' is duplicated

Arrays with a single parameter, you may omit the surrounding brackets, the parser will wrap the result in an array if the type validates correctly as if it was an item of it:

// [...]
const parsed = parser.run(`@Fox.test(arg: "hello")`);

console.log(JSON.stringify(parsed, null, 2));
  "isError": false,
  "result": {
    "type": "attribute",
    "value": {
      "context": "field",
      "namespace": "Fox",
      "method": "Test",
      "parameters": [
          "key": "arg",
          "value": {
            "type": "array",
            "value": {
              "type": "string",
              "value": "hello"
  "index": 23,
  "data": null

Error if another type is given:

> @Fox.Test(arg: 42)
< "key 'arg[0]' is of type 'number' but we expect 'string[]' to have only 'string'

Documentation comments

Documentation comments are also parsed

// [...]
const parsed = parser.run(`this is a documentation comment`);

console.log(JSON.stringify(parsed, null, 2));
  "isError": false,
  "result": {
    "type": "documentation",
    "value": "this is a documentation comment"
  "index": 31,
  "data": null