- BHbean
- btma48
- chuxiaojie
- e96031413National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
- FishAndWasabiNankai University, VCIP
- fly51flyPRIS
- frreasonXDU
- ghpkishoreIndia
- godkingjaySorsogon State University
- happycaoyueHarbin Institute of Technology
- HongyunQiuLight Speed Vision (Beijing) Co.LTD (QHYCCD)
- jbwang1997NWPU -> NKU
- LGYoung
- liuziyi
- namespace-PtRenmin University of China
- nezihkasim
- NK-CS-ZZLNankai University
- nothinglimitedNothing Limited Ventures, Inc.
- omarei
- peixincao
- pixel-lt
- rsandagonrsandagon
- SandalotsVolcanak
- schuy1erKerbal Pigeon Breeding Base
- shawnnnkbHangZhou
- sholeTeatime Research Ltd.
- Srameo@MCG-NKU, @π-Lab
- syddharthEarth
- troistr
- vertigo235
- WeihaoZhuangKobe University
- wennanwoo
- wyf0912Singapore
- Yuuichu
- ZcsrenlongZ
- zhanggengchen