Log Ingestion System


This project is a Log Ingestion System designed to ingest logs into both Elasticsearch and PostgreSQL databases. It provides a simple HTTP API for log ingestion and a query interface to search and retrieve logs.

System Design

The system is designed with the following components:

  • Log Ingestor: An Express.js server that receives logs via HTTP POST requests, ingests them into Elasticsearch, and stores them in PostgreSQL.

  • Query Interface: Another Express.js server that allows querying logs based on various parameters like level, message, timestamp, and more.

  • Elasticsearch: Used as the primary storage for logs.

  • PostgreSQL: Used as a secondary storage for logs.


  • Ingest logs via HTTP POST requests.
  • Search logs based on different parameters using the query interface.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Sranjan0208/Log-Ingestor.git
    cd log-ingestion
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Setup environment variables:

    Create a .env file in the log-ingestor directory and add the following:

    # PostgreSQL Configuration
  4. Run the Log Ingestor:

    cd log-ingestor
    npm install
    node logIngestor.js
  5. Run the Query Interface:

    cd query-interface
    npm install
    node queryInterface.js


  • Ingest logs:

    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @common/sampleLogs.json http://localhost:3000/logs
  • Query logs:

    curl "http://localhost:3001/logs?level=error"

Identified Issues

  • No Shard Available: If Elasticsearch shows "No shard available" issues, you might need to allocate the primary shard to a node. Refer to Elasticsearch documentation for solutions.