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ECE 143 Group 18

Data preprocessing

Load dietary, nutrition and dental datasets (as described in prososal) and join them together. The training data is stored in file "train_data.csv".

To checkout the meaning of each column, please refer to the documentation websites:




Our dataset has 13772 observations and 374 features with a lot of empty entries.

Dietary dataset

Missing values are treated as 0: The reason why many entries are missing is that many respondents didn't have any dietary supplement.

Answers "Refused" or "Don't know" in "DSDCOUNT - Total # of Dietary Supplements Taken", "DSDANCNT - Total # of Antacids Taken", "DSD010 - Any Dietary Supplements Taken?" and "DSD010AN - Any Antacids Taken?" are treated as 0 or No.

Dental Dataset

Conversion Matrices :

Tooth Count

Code Description Count Cumulative Convert
1 Primary tooth (deciduous) present 0 0 1
2 Permanent tooth present 7534 7534 1
3 Dental implant 4 7538 0
4 Tooth not present 5609 13147 0
5 Permanent dental root fragment present 131 13278 0
9 Could not assess 0 13278 0
. Missing 494 13772 0


Code Description Count Cumulative Convert
A Primary tooth with a restored surface condition 0 0 1
D Sound primary tooth 0 0 0
E Missing due to dental disease 1197 1197 1
F Permanent tooth with a restored surface condition 2908 4105 1
J Permanent root tip is present but no restorative replacement is present 131 4236 1
K Primary tooth with a dental carious surface condition 0 4236 1
M Missing due to other causes 47 4283 1
P Missing due to dental disease but replaced by a removable restoration 1019 5302 1
Q Missing due to other causes but replaced by a removable restoration 37 5339 1
R Missing due to dental disease but replaced by a fixed restoration 13 5352 1
S Sound permanent tooth 4394 9746 0
T Permanent root tip is present but a restorative replacement is present 0 9746 1
U Unerupted 3297 13043 nan
X Missing due to other causes but replaced by a fixed restoration 0 13043 nan
Y Tooth present, condition cannot be assessed 11 13054 nan
Z Permanent tooth with a dental carious surface condition 220 13274 1

Dental Sealants Data Description

Code Description Count Cumulative Convert
0 Sealant not present 4194 4194 0
1 Occlusal sealant on permanent tooth 102 4296 1
2 Facial sealant on permanent tooth 0 4296 1
3 Lingual sealant on permanent tooth 0 4296 1
4 Occlusal sealant on primary tooth 51 4347 1
9 Cannot be assessed 41 4388 nan
12 Occlusal-facial sealant on permanent tooth 0 4388 1
13 Occlusal-lingual sealant on permanent tooth 0 4388 1
nan Missing 9384 13772 nan

Root Caries, other lesions X [restored , not] Data Description

Code Description Count Convert
1 Yes 1085 1
2 No 6916 0
9 Cannot be accessed 7 nan
. Missing 5764 nan


  • Run train to get a dict of Classifiers to Accuracy