Hello folks ! I wanted to have an absolute begginer to intermediate guide to algorithms to have better clarity and understanding! More importantly we will look at concepts and real world examples more than the code as it can be easily googled!!
Through each topic we will analyze the asymptotic time complexity and how we could futher reduce time and space through better code , approach or algos
Matrix Multiplication -ALGOS
- matrix chain multiplication
- strasen multiplication
- normal vs strassen vs vectorized
Types of GRAPHS
basic implementation of | bfs | dfs| Topological sort | Kahn's Algorithm| Minimum spanning tree |Prim's Algo Krushkal's Algo| Shortest paths| Travelling salesman problem (brute force and greedy)
Heuristic of solving algorithms
A* and AO* algorithms , Hill climbing , beam search algorithms
leetcode problems
Heuristic approach of solving algorithms
Dynamic Programing
Understanding Time Complexities !
All contributions are highly encouraged !
Thank you !