Welcome to the Student Resumes Repository!


This repository aims to assist students in improving their resumes through community feedback and suggestions. Whether you're seeking guidance on content, format, or style, you've come to the right place.

How to Contribute

We encourage students to submit their resumes for review and improvement. Follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine:
git clone [https://github.com/your-username/student-resumes.git](https://github.com/your-username/student-resumes.git)

Overleaf Resume Template

You can use the provided Overleaf template link to modify and customize your resume:

Adding Your Resume to the Repository:

If you used the Overleaf template, follow these steps:

  1. Download the modified resume in PDF format.
  2. Rename the PDF file to [YourFirstName_YourLastName].pdf.
  3. Create a new folder with your GitHub username (e.g., your-username) under the resumes directory.
  4. Upload your renamed PDF resume to this folder.

Modify the README (this file) using the template below:

Submitting Your Resume

Name: [Your Full Name]

Resume Link: [Link to your modified resume PDF in the resumes/your-username/ directory.]

Feedback Requested: [Specify areas of your resume you would like feedback on, such as content, design, or formatting.]

Additional Information: [Add any additional context or specific questions you have regarding your resume.]

  1. Push your changes to your forked repository:
    git add .
    git commit -m "Added my resume for review"
    git push origin main```

Submit a Pull Request (PR) to the student-resumes repository

Descriptive Title for Your Pull Request

Provide a concise and descriptive title summarizing your PR.

Details about Your Resume

  • Full Name: [Your Full Name]
  • Link to Your Resume PDF: [Link to your modified resume PDF in the resumes/your-username/ directory.]
  • Areas for Feedback: [Specify areas of your resume you would like feedback on, such as content, design, or formatting.]

Review Process

Once you submit your PR, community members are encouraged to review your resume and provide constructive feedback.

  • Engage with reviewers by responding to comments and incorporating suggestions to improve your resume.

How to Use:

  1. Replace Placeholders: Replace [Your Full Name], [Link to your modified resume PDF in the resumes/your-username/ directory.], and [Specify areas of your resume you would like feedback on, such as content, design, or formatting.] with your actual details when submitting a PR.

  2. Follow Overleaf Template (Optional): Use the provided Overleaf template link (Overleaf Template) to modify and customize your resume (optional).

  3. Customize Additional Information: Modify the [Add any additional context or specific questions you have regarding your resume.] section to include any specific queries you may have about your resume.

  4. Update Sections: Adjust or add sections like Contributor's Guide and Contact based on your repository's specific needs and guidelines.

This template provides a structured approach for students to submit their resumes for review and improvement, facilitating community feedback and collaborative learning. Adjust it further based on your repository's specific requirements and guidelines.