
An attempt to make an interpreter for a language using Java

Primary LanguageJava


The origin of the Lambda Programming Language. Build using Java for experimentation and ease of understanding.

The Language

You can download the language from the releases section! Just head to the Releases section and download the .jar. You can run a file in the .orz extension in the same directory where the .jar is saved by the command:

java -jar .\lambda.jar main.orz


Hello world

// The famous hello world
print "Hello, lambdas!";

Variable declaration

var a = 300;
var b = 6;

var c = a + b;
print c; // prints 306


for (var i = 0; i < 5; i = i+1) {
  print i;

// prints 
// 0
// 1
// 2
// 3
// 4


var a = 5;
if (a >= 4) {
  print "a is greater than or equal to 4";
} else {
  print "a is less than 4";


fun printSum(a, b) {
  print a + b;


class Greeter {
  init(name, time) {
    this.name = name;
    this.time = time;
  greet() {
    print "Good " + this.time + " " + this.name + "!";