
Consists of 3 parts - 1. react client 2.Node express server 3.Thrift Java server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Consists of 3 parts - 1. React client 2.Node express server 3.Thrift Java server

N.B. - systemA and systemB should be run simultaneously

localhost does not work while running the applications in two dockers. Please change "localhost" to "your machine's IP"/docker container's IP address in file systemA/server/rpcClient/index.js where thrift.createHttpConnection("localhost", 9090, options) is being done.

From root directory
Steps for running systemA

  1. docker build -t systema systemA
  2. docker run -t -p 3000:3000 systema

Steps for running systemB

  1. docker build -t systemb systemB
  2. docker run -t -p 9090:9090 systemb

Without docker, application can be run by following the steps given below in order -

  1. For systemA (Prerequisite - node should be installed)
    cd systemA/server -> npm install -> npm run client-install -> npm start
  2. For systemB (Prerequisites - Maven and java should be installed in the system)
    a. cd systemB -> mvn clean install
    b. mvn spring-boot:run

Versions used -
React - 16.5.2
Express - 4.16.0
Thrift - 0.12.0