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Primary LanguageJavaScript



The Weather Updates Web Application is a simple web-based tool that allows users to get weather information for a specified city. It fetches data from the OpenWeatherMap API and displays details such as the city name, country, and temperature in Celsius.


  • Enter a city name to retrieve weather information.
  • Displays city name, country, and temperature.
  • Dynamic background image based on temperature range.
  • Temperature text color changes based on temperature range.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • OpenWeatherMap API

Getting Started

  1. Usage: Enter the name of the city you want to get weather information for. Click the "Search" button to retrieve weather data.
  2. Acknowledgments OpenWeatherMap for providing weather data.
  3. Contact For any questions or feedback, please contact srikantaprasadrajeurs456@gmail.com .