Project Summery


While going throw sustainable goals 2021, we found eliminating poverty ,erase hunger which should be solved immediately and its one of the major concerns in developing counties like INDIA .Main reason for this problem is lack of money and wasting unused excess food .So we thought to develop an application which allows restaurant to give excess food at certain discounts and also for free to verified NGO where they can donate it to needy. Main idea behind our app is to reduce food waste in restaurants and hotel and provide this food to people who can’t afford them via NGOs and charities for free .And also we trying to build a fundraising module which enables normal user to donate money to NGO Technologies used to develop our mobile application which will be supported in both android and iOS platforms • Flutter • Web Scrapping • Neural Networks • Google API • Firebase


Aim of the project is to reduce the food wastage by developing an application which allows restaurant to provide excess food at certain discounts and also for free to verified NGO where they can donate it to needy . TERMINOLOGIES AND PLATFORMS


Flutter is an open-source UI software development tool developed by Google which is a simple and high performance framework based on the Dart language. It is used to develop applications for Mac, Android, Linux,iOS, Windows, and the web from a single codebase.Flutter provides • Beautiful and fluid user interfaces. • High performance • Modern and reactive framework. • Fast development.


Google Colab is a free notebook environment which runs entirely in the cloud environment and it is a powerful platform for learning and quickly developing machine learning models in Python and also for data analytics.Colab supports many popular ML libraries such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras and OpenCV.



Firebase is a real-time cloud-hosted database developed by Google for creating mobile and web applications. Data is stored as JSON and synchronized in realtime to every connected client.


Dart is a programming language developed by Google designed for client development,such as web and mobile apps.And also used to build server and desktop applications.It is an object-oriented, class-based language with C-style syntax. Dart can compile to either native code or JavaScript. It supports interfaces, mixins, abstract classes,and type inference etc.


Google APIs are application programming interfaces (APIs) developed by Google which provide communication with the Google Services and their integration to other services.Third-party apps can use these APIs to take advantage or to extend the functionality of the existing services.


Long short-term memory (LSTM) is an artificial recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture used in the field of deep learning. LSTM networks are well-suited to classifying, processing and making predictions based on time series data, since there can be lags of unknown duration between important events in a time series.


Web Scrapping is an automatic method to obtain large amounts of data from websites. Most of this data is unstructured data in an HTML format which is then converted into structured data in a spreadsheet or a database so that it can be used in various applications. There are many different ways to perform web scraping to obtain data from websites. these include using online services, particular API’s or even creating your code for web scraping from scratch



Login/Sign-up the user will be authenticated using mail id and the password.During Sign-up the mail id of the new user is verified using OTP first before enter the sign-up details.


After login, all the nearby restaurants will be displayed based on the location of the user with the estimated arrival time on the home screen. And In Explore section all the restaurants registered in our application will be displayed. the user can also search all the particular restaurants they want.


After selecting the restaurant all the dishes provided by the restaurant will be displayed from which the user will add dishes to the cart and also provides the location and contact of the restaurant.

UPGRADE NGO In this module, the user will be upgraded to the NGO by entering the name of the NGO which will be autheticated using web scrapping. After NGO upgrade the restaurant will provide the dishes for free and they also get donations from other users.


The user will be directed to the billing after adding the dishes to the cart. The user will be able to pay the bill only through an online payment. After payment, the timer for 10 seconds will be started after that your order will be placed and a QR code will be generated .


In this module user can check all their active and past orders.In active orders all the current orders details and its QR code is displayed which is used while picking order from restaurant.In past order all the cancelled and completed orders will be displayed.


In this module the user will be able to donate money to NGO.the list of NGO’s will be provided So the user can select a NGO and donate them.This module helps the NGO to get donation from our app users in addition to the free food provided by the restaurant.

TIME SERIES PREDICTION This module which uses tflite converted LSTM model to predict unused food for the next 7 days based on food wasted for the past 3 days which act as an input .We also get averages estimate of unused food quantity for next 7 days.


In login the restaurant admin has been authenticated using Login-id and password.The new hotel will be registered by providing the details like name,password ,restaurant type,address etc.


All customer order details will be shown in this module.All the confirmed orders details received from the customer will be shown in Active orders which a QR scanner to verify user and In past order all the completed order details will be displayed.


This module provides two graphical representation(bar chart and line chart).Bar chart represent the amount of excess food currently remaining in that particular day.Line chart represents the excess food cooked by the restaurant for the past 30 days.


The restaurant will add dishes by adding the details like image, name, id, price, description etc.which will be shown in the customer side.


This module provides the details of the restaurant which is provided during Sign-up and provide upgrade profile option to add contact and email id of the restaurant.