
A Canvas-Based Presentation Tool

Primary LanguageHTML

CANSCAPE Version 0.9

This is a simple canvas-based presentation tool in the making.


1. Ability to add simple shapes on the canvas such as a rectangle, ellipse, circle and lines. Also can add text.
2. Ability to drag and move the canvas, and its elements. Ability to zoom the canvas, alongwith the elements.
3. Select and delete individual elements.
4. Export the SVG code (Made it a little easier with a PHP script).
5. Ability to pan across the canvas using HTML buttons.
6. Click to focus on exported code.
7. Zooming of individual elements.
8. Panning using arrow keys.
9. Adding/ formatting text.
10. Colors!
11. Bring to front and move to back functionality.
12. Import an image (highly restricted as it is hardcoded to work only with my working directory...)
13. All dialogs made consistent, using jQuery UI Dialog
14. Minimal support for rotate
15. Set up the navigation path
16. New user interface, resize by dragging rectangle.
17. Saving the presentation
18. Grouping elements to frame


1. Copy the entire Canscape folder.
2. Add it to your PHP container
3. Open Chrome and go to http://localhost/Canscape

Softwares Required

1. Apache Server
3. Google-Chrome (Preferably beta version)

Thanks to:

1. The jquery SVG library : One of the coolest Javascript libraries out there.

2. SVGPan : Another cool library which can be used as reference to learn basic matrix operations on SVG objects.

1. @TheAkj
2. @SrkSChari
3. @vishal_piano