Pinned Repositories
A visual representation of the A* searching algorithm with dynamic inputs and a GUI.
An abstractive summarization tool that can condense documents and web pages using Bidirectional Auto-Regressive Encoders for Transformer or BART for short. It is a desktop application with a UI constructed with python.
An application which uses the camera to detect and identify animals, sounding an alert after their detection and emailing the owner about it
This program will use gesture detection to help identify common ASL gestures as well as alphabets, translating them into sentences.
A project which uses data collected by international organizations and universities and predicts the future consequences of Global Warming using time-forecasting techniques and machine learning models. All the results are visualized and made into a dashboard
This program takes and input of an ECG in European Data Format (EDF) and outputs the classification for heartbeats into normal vs different types of arrhythmia . It uses a deep learning model for classification purposes.
A Web application that helps users manage their expenses and sort date according to amounts and dates to help maintain an ordered log. The project uses React to create web application by creating various components and linking them together using Redux to manage data. The data is stored in a Firebase backend which helps maintain data for multiple users.
The program takes an image input and pre-processes using edge detection and gray-scaling to detect the location of all possible License Plates in the picture. It then ueses OCR to identify the characters on the isolated plates to get the license plate characters. Users can select the "Show Steps" option to display the output of each step. Outputs an overlay of the license plate characters using the KNN model.
A NodeJS based Hospital Management System that helps doctors and nurses organize and prioritize patients based on the severity of their condition. Built with Express server and MongoDB to store data.
Srinivas-Natarajan's Repositories
This program takes and input of an ECG in European Data Format (EDF) and outputs the classification for heartbeats into normal vs different types of arrhythmia . It uses a deep learning model for classification purposes.
An application which uses the camera to detect and identify animals, sounding an alert after their detection and emailing the owner about it
The program takes an image input and pre-processes using edge detection and gray-scaling to detect the location of all possible License Plates in the picture. It then ueses OCR to identify the characters on the isolated plates to get the license plate characters. Users can select the "Show Steps" option to display the output of each step. Outputs an overlay of the license plate characters using the KNN model.
This program will use gesture detection to help identify common ASL gestures as well as alphabets, translating them into sentences.
A project which uses data collected by international organizations and universities and predicts the future consequences of Global Warming using time-forecasting techniques and machine learning models. All the results are visualized and made into a dashboard
An abstractive summarization tool that can condense documents and web pages using Bidirectional Auto-Regressive Encoders for Transformer or BART for short. It is a desktop application with a UI constructed with python.
A Web application that helps users manage their expenses and sort date according to amounts and dates to help maintain an ordered log. The project uses React to create web application by creating various components and linking them together using Redux to manage data. The data is stored in a Firebase backend which helps maintain data for multiple users.
A NodeJS based Hospital Management System that helps doctors and nurses organize and prioritize patients based on the severity of their condition. Built with Express server and MongoDB to store data.
A visual representation of the A* searching algorithm with dynamic inputs and a GUI.
A basic expense management application built using Flutter. It is designed to help users add their transactions/purchases and keep track of it. It is helpful in maintaining monthly budgets.
A basic personality quiz application built using Flutter to practice mobile development. Works based on scoring
A repository containing the project files for the various stages of the Data Science internship at Hamoye.
A React-based application to aid users in task management and selection to aid productivity by eliminating indecision. user data stored using Firebase
Premiere project Hamoye Data Science Internship Winter 2022
Collection of templates for various ML models ranging from simple linear regression to deep learning models. Provides a starting point to work on and save time.
An Online Voting System that uses BootStrap and CSS to create a front end. Connected to MongoDB which stores user and candidate encrypted info using NodeJS and Express.
This projects uses video feeds from endoscopic procedures to identify polyps in the gastrointestinal tract and draw masks around them to aid doctors in identifying precursors of colorectal cancer.
An interactive Login/Sign-up form built with Reactjs with validation.
A Secure Login Portal that implements a neural network to detect SQL injection and other penetration attacks by validating user inputs before allowing access.
A python-based application to aid in summarizing long documents to save time. The contents can be encrypted/decrypted using ECIES algorithm to ensure security.
A collection of my solutions for the tasks given by the Sparks Foundation for my position as a Data Analyst and Business Intelligence position.
A comparative analysis of existing ML techniques, neural networks, and more modern boosting algorithms and their performance on a credit fraud dataset.