
A REST API to upload and download images, made in Node

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A REST API wherein an authenticated user can upload images within a 500KB limit to MongoDB.

! prefixed URLs only accessible by logged-in users.


POST /auth/register registers a user.

JSON Arguments
  • username : String
  • password : String

POST /auth/register logs a user in.

JSON Arguments
  • username : String
  • password : String

GET /auth/logout performs logout operation.

Image upload and download

!POST /images displays name and ID of all images that have been uploaded by the current user.

!POST /images/upload performs the upload. Image has to be sent in the request. Only authenticated users can send this request, with file size <= 500KB and png and jpeg files only accepted.

!POST /images/download/<image ID> downloads the image with given ID. This can be done only by the owner of that image.