This repository contains project scaffolding and code for the lecture on Global Software Engineering in Open Source and its Effect on Quality on Monday Nov. 15, 2021 at IT University of Copenhagen in the course Advanced Topics in Software Engineering.
- Find the lecture material HERE.
- In case you do not have a Python setup with Poetry on your computer, you can run the virtual setup on -->
- Apache accumulo
- Group 1
- Group 38
- Apache airflow
- Group 2
- Group 39
- Apache avro
- Group 3
- Group 40
- Apache beam
- Group 4
- Group 41
- Apache bigtop
- Group 5
- Group 42
- Apache camel
- Group 6
- Group 43
- Apache couchdb
- Group 7
- Group 44
- Apache curator
- Group 8
- Group 45
- Apache echarts
- Group 9
- Group 46
- Apache fineract
- Group 10
- Group 47
- Apache geode
- Group 11
- Group 48
- Apache gora
- Group 12
- Group 49
- Apache hadoop
- Group 13
- Group 50
- Apache hawq
- Group 14
- Apache hbase
- Group 15
- Apache hbase
- Group 16
- Apache helix
- Group 17
- Apache ignite
- Group 18
- Apache iotdb
- Group 19
- Apache jena
- Group 20
- Apache kafka
- Group 21
- Apache knox
- Group 22
- Apache kylin
- Group 23
- Apache maven
- Group 24
- Apache netbeans
- Group 25
- Apache opennlp
- Group 26
- Apache ratis
- Group 27
- Apache rave
- Group 28
- Apache samza
- Group 29
- Apache solr
- Group 30
- Apache stratos
- Group 31
- Apache synapse
- Group 32
- Apache tez
- Group 33
- Apache thrift
- Group 34
- Apache tika
- Group 35
- Apache tinkerpop
- Group 36
- Apache wicket
- Group 37