TrailerBuzz is a mobile based android app that fetches data like popular and top rated movies from "The Movie Database" and shows them to the user’s device.
- Fetch movies data from TheMovieDB API
- Used Firebase- AUth, Database & Storage to store user's data.
- Used Adapters and Custom List layouts to populate list views.
- Allow users to view and play trailers ( either in the youtube app or a web browser).
- Allow users to read reviews of a selected movie.
- Allow users to mark a movie as a favourite in the details view by tapping a button(heart).
- Interact and communicate with users by sing in / registering, share your thought about movies which one you liked or hated with others.
- Created a database and content provider to store the names and ids of the user's favourite movies (and optionally, the rest of the information needed to display their favourites collection while offline).
- Used Fragments to display each view in user's screen to reduce redundancy and optimize code.
Note: Please note that API key is missing from res/value/string, You MUST provide one in order to Run the Code Without Crahses!
Project By Suraj Gupta