
This is a demo app, made for the application procedure to Azerion.
I keep it simple and on the Frontend, everything has been Bootstrapped.

Built With

  • Ruby
  • Rails
  • SQLite
  • Bootstrap
  • RSpec
  • Devise


To get this project up and running locally, you must already have ruby installed on your computer.

Getting Started

To get this project set up on your local machine, follow these simple steps:

Step 1
Navigate through the local folder where you want to clone the repository and write
git clone It will clone the repo to your local folder.
or with https
git clone
Step 2
Step 3
Run bundle install to get the necesary gems' configuration.
Step 4
Run rails db:create to create the database.
Step 5
Run rails db:migrate to make the migrations and ready your database. Also rails:db:seed to seed the pre-configured database.
Run yarn install --check files to verify your node modules.
Run rails s to run the server and go to 'http://localhost:3000/' at your browser.


1 You can see the blog posts on the main page and the details of it by clicking the Show button.
2 You can click the email anchor on the specific post page and see the details of the user. It has a users subdomain.
3 If the post created with 'Two column' design feature, on the user page the body of the post will be half of the line. Otherwise it'll be one line.
4 Also the color choice is affecting the title color on the user page.
5 On the user page, the posts are grouped by their header. There are 4 typef of header.
6 You can check the validations on the related model file
7 You can see the posts and the comments, but you can not create post or add comment without logging in.
8 You can only update or delete your own posts. You can also edit your own comments but not the other users' comments
9 All the posts and the comments are in order by date.


  • There are 17 tests in total.
  • There are two folders, one is for unit tests which is '/spec/models' that is responsible to test 'comment', 'post' models.
  • '/spec/features' folder has 1 files that is responsible from actions tests.
  • The test cases covers the log-in, log-out, navigating through the app, creation, updating and deletion of posts, two models and their associations.
  • Test ceoverage is checked with 'simple cov gem'.
  • For testing all you need to do is run rspec in your cloned folder.


👤 Eyüp Sercan UYGUR

🤝 Contributing

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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.