
Useful scripts for The University of Chicago's RCC resource.

Primary LanguageShell

Updated: May 1, 2020


Useful scripts for The University of Chicago's RCC resource (https://rcc.uchicago.edu). Check out this repositories wiki for instructions on running the scripts.


A starter .bashrc file to put in your shell so that you don't accidentally rm *


Conduct a blast search against a chunked version of the nr database. The database is located at /projects/databases/blast on RCC.


Conduct a blast search on a single node using the nr database.

Create a BLAST database

wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/FASTA/pdbaa.gz gunzip pdbaa.gz makeblastdb -in pdbaa -input_type fasta -dbtype prot -out pdbaa