
Just simple vscode Dracula Theme with dark color customization version


I'm evondev, a frontend developer also a blogger and youtuber teaching and sharing knowledge about HTML CSS. https://evondev.com is my personal blog and https://codingui.dev is my personal project to share UI.


Just simple vscode Dracula Theme with dark color customization version

Install dracula theme

Link to install dracula theme for vscode: vscode:extension/dracula-theme.theme-dracula

Install theme

  • Open Visual Studio Code and click to Extensions icon(4 square) on the left of sidebar and type Dracula Official
  • Click install and then choose Dracula color scheme
  • Open your settings.json by ctrl/command + shift + P and type settings.json
  • You'll see Preferences: Open Setting(JSON) and hit Enter to open your settings.json
  • Copy all setting from my settings.txt to your settings.json and save

Install fonts

  • Base on your system you can search on Google how to install fonts for your system with all fonts in fonts folder
  • After installed fonts, you can use in your Visual Studio Code with setting editor.fontFamily in your settings.json. Example: editor.fontFamily: "SF Mono, Inconsolata, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"

Some of images









Bonus - PowerMode

Install this package at this link: vscode:extension/hoovercj.vscode-power-mode, after installed, you can copy powermode settings in settings.txt to your settings.json


Your settings.json should have curly braces at beginning and the end of file. For example: { // your all settings here, // other settings you copied from my custom }