Travel Agency Website

Welcome to the Travel Agency website!

This website is designed to provide an exceptional user experience for travelers. It features various sections, including a customer reviews section, a rating system, and an accordion for frequently asked questions (FAQs). Additionally, the website is fully responsive, ensuring compatibility with a variety of screen sizes and devices.

How It's Made

The Travel Agency website is being developed with a focus on the frontend using HTML, CSS, and ReactJS. The frontend development is complete and aims to provide an immersive and user-friendly experience for travelers.

The website is built using HTML for structuring the content and CSS for styling and visual enhancements. ReactJS, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, is utilized to create interactive and dynamic components.

It's important to note that the backend development for the website is still ongoing. As the developer, I am currently studying Node.js and Express to gain the necessary skills for building the backend of the Travel Agency website. The backend development will involve handling server-side functionalities, such as user authentication, database management, and API integration.

Tech Used

The following technologies were used in the development of the frontend: HTML: The markup language used for structuring the content and layout of the website. CSS: Used for styling and visually enhancing the website's design. ReactJS: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

The following technologies will be used in the ongoing backend development: Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment for executing server-side JavaScript code. Express: A web application framework for Node.js, used for server-side functionalities. Database: A database management system to store and retrieve data, such as customer information or travel details. APIs: Integration with external APIs to fetch real-time data, such as flight information or hotel availability.

What I Learnt and currently leaerning..

During the development of the frontend for the Travel Agency website, I have gained valuable experience in using HTML, CSS, and ReactJS to create engaging user interfaces and design appealing web pages. I have learned how to build interactive components, manage state, and handle user interactions.

Additionally, I am currently studying Node.js and Express for the ongoing backend development. Through this learning process, I aim to gain expertise in server-side development, database management, and API integration. This ongoing study will enable me to create robust server-side functionalities for the Travel Agency website.