
Repository to organize all my katas/coding dojos

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Katas 🥷🏻

In this repository, all the katas/coding dojos that I have done are grouped together, with some solutions being different or using different programming languages. The goal is to have all the solutions I have worked on grouped together, see different approaches to the same problem, and be able to compare them.

Structure ⚙️

The repository, in turn, contains different projects for each kata, each organized by the different programming languages I have used. The directory structure is as follows:

├── kata1
│   ├── first_language
│   ├── second_language
│   ├── third_language
├── kata2
│   ├── first_language
│   ├── second_language
│   ├── ...
├── kata3

In each of the programming language directories, there is a README.md file with the kata's description.

Clone only one kata

If we want to clone only one or several katas, we can do so using git's sparse-checkout:

# Clone the empty repository
$ git clone --no-checkout https://github.com/Sstark97/katas.git

# Move inside the repository
$ cd katas

# Initialize sparse-checkout
$ git sparse-checkout set <kata-directory>

# Update the workspace to see the changes
$ git read-tree -mu HEAD

It's important to enable "sparse-checkout" mode to do this; otherwise, we won't see any changes. We can do this as follows:

$ git config core.sparseCheckout true

To perform this, we need a version of Git that is greater than or equal to 2.25.

List of Katas 📚