
random image npm

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Generates a random URL for an image hosted on GitHub, downloads it and saves it in a local directory of your project. This could be useful, for example, for applications that need images dynamically for testing, demonstration or development purposes.


  • Random images: 76 images
  • Anime images: 207 images


image core requires the .js file extension so in the package.json of your project it requires to put this

  "type": "commonjs", // you have to add this
  "dependencies": {
    "imagen-core": "^1.0.9"

just add above the dependencies "type": "commonjs" just that, just don't add the message that's in the //

How to use it

First you have to have your .js project and node.js installed and in the console of your code editor execute the following command

npm i imagen-core

after that the dependencies will be installed and then you can use the image-core functions without any problem.


Well, what this function does is to download a random image that is uploaded to the repository and creates a directory called ./image/.


const { getImageUrlFull } = require('imagen-core');
const axios = require('axios');
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

 * Downloads a random anime image from a specified URL.
 * It uses getImageUrlFull to get the full image URL,
 * then downloads and saves the image to a specified directory.
async function downloadRandomImage() {
  // Call getImageUrlFull to get the full image URL and image name
  const { imageUrlFull, imageName } = await getImageUrlFull();
  const directory = './test'; // Directory where the image will be saved

  // Create the directory if it doesn't exist
  if (!fs.existsSync(directory)) {

  try {
    // Use Axios to download the image data as an array buffer
    const response = await axios.get(imageUrlFull, { responseType: 'arraybuffer' });

    // Write the image data to a file in the specified directory
    fs.writeFileSync(path.join(directory, imageName), Buffer.from(response.data));
    // Log a success message
    console.log(`image ${imageName} downloaded`);
  } catch (error) {
    // Log an error message if the download fails
    console.error(`Failed to download image ${imageName}: ${error.message}`);

// Run the downloadRandomImage function


What this function does is to send the direct link of the image this you can server for a whatsapp or discord bot or for some social network that has github support.


const { getImageUrlFull } = require('imagen-core');

 * Example function to demonstrate getting the full URL of an image.
 * It uses the getImageUrlFull function to retrieve the URL and image name,
 * and then logs them to the console.
async function exampleGetFullImageUrl() {
  // Call the getImageUrlFull function to get the URL and image name
  const { imageUrlFull, imageName } = await getImageUrlFull();
  // Log the full image URL and image name to the console
  console.log('Full image URL:', imageUrlFull);
  console.log('Image name:', imageName);

// Run the example function


What this function does is to load a random anime image that is in our repository.


const { downloadRandomAnimeImage } = require('imagen-core');

 * Downloads a random anime image and logs a success message if successful.
 * Logs an error message if there's an error during the download.
async function testDownloadRandomAnimeImage() {
  try {
    await downloadRandomAnimeImage();
    console.log('Anime image downloaded successfully');
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error downloading anime image:', error);

// Run the function to test downloading a random anime image


This function displays the direct link to the generated anime image and can be used in social networks with github support.

const { getRandomAnimeImageUrl } = require('imagen-core');

 * Example function to demonstrate getting a random anime image URL.
 * It uses the getRandomAnimeImageUrl function to retrieve the URL and image name,
 * and then logs them to the console.
async function exampleGetRandomAnimeImageUrl() {
  // Call the getRandomAnimeImageUrl function to get the URL and image name
  const { animeImageUrlFull, imageName } = await getRandomAnimeImageUrl();
  // Log the full anime image URL and image name to the console
  console.log('Full anime image URL:', animeImageUrlFull);
  console.log('Image name:', imageName);

// Run the example function


Thank you very much for helping in the project ❤


SstudiosDev © SstudiosTeam released under the MIT License. Authored and maintained by SstudiosDev.