
📈 UFund,智能基金理财助理帮你健康理财决策,提高理财收益。UFund, an Alipay Smart Fund Assistant, helps you make healthy financial decisions and increase financial returns!

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UFund, Me


UFund, an Alipay Fund Assistant

Alipay Smart Fund Assistant helps you make healthy financial decisions and increase financial returns!

Awesome Alipay Fund Assistant Build Status

Why UFund ?


✨ Features

  • 首先点击编辑按钮,在“添加新基金”输入框中输入基金代码(支持按拼音、汉字、编码模糊搜索,支持批量添加)添加需要关注的基金,基金列表支持拖拽排序,顶部的大盘指数信息也支持自定义。

  • 可以点击基金名称或指数名称,进入详情页面,查看走势图与持仓明细等基金详情;在基金持仓明细页,可以点击对应股票名称,查看对应股票的详情走势图。

  • 更多功能可以通过设置按钮进入设置页面,可以开启角标提醒功能,调整展示内容;可以开启显示估值收益,显示持有收益,开启后可以在编辑按钮中填入持有份额与成本价,插件会自动计算对应的收益情况。

🛡 Status: Beta

This project is still under heavy development. Feel free to join us and make your first pull request or any issues.

🔨 Usage

import { Button, DatePicker } from 'antd';

const App = () => (
    <Button type="primary">PRESS ME</Button>
    <DatePicker placeholder="select date" />

And import style manually:

import 'antd/dist/antd.css'; // or 'antd/dist/antd.less'


antd is written in TypeScript with complete definitions, check Use in TypeScript to getting started.

📦 Contents

🍅 🍮 ⏱️ 🍰 📦 🥕 💼 📚

A demo of UFund

📅 Result

BLSH - Buy low sell high, hold for a long time / “买低卖高,长期持有” is our goal to maintain high-yield investment.

Average yield 28.41%, 82.56% increase compared to 2019

I have been using UFund about half a year, just with ¥26,500.00 principal.

UFund increase returns just with little principal principal
investment (this year 2020) my principal
TEST Total Investment
Total Investment since Jul 2020 yield growth curve (have been used UFund since Jul 2020) Investment Rank in All Users
CASE case1 case2 case3 case4
Average yield 28.41%, 82.56% increase compared to 2019

* Since Jan.12 2021

🍮 Community

Feel free to put up issues at our COMMUNITY .

📚 Code of conduct


☕ Processing

        dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
        title UFUnd Development Processing
        section Current Task
        Have Done           :done,    des1, 2020-11-06,2020-12-10
        Doing               :active,  des2, 2020-12-07, 5d
        Plan2               :         des3, after des2, 7d
        Plan2               :         des4, after des3, 5d
  • 关于 UFund 详细更新进度,请查阅 这儿.

🔔 Update Reminder

Subscribe -->

Business ✉️ email: yidazhang1@gmail.com

💖 Sponsors and Backers

Sponsor Backer

🔗 Reference

[1] 2020 Qlib. https://github.com/microsoft/qlib

[2] https://github.com/iewoai/Quantitative-Investment_Learning

[3] https://github.com/xhlgogo/Quantitative-Investment-Trading-system

[4] https://github.com/avinashbarnwal/Momentum-Strategy

[5] Clairvoyant. https://github.com/anfederico/clairvoyant

[6] Quantitative Momentum: A Practitioner's Guide to Building a Momentum-Based Stock Selection System (Wiley Finance) Hardcover – Illustrated, October 3, 2016

Feel free to ask any questions, open a PR if you feel something can be done differently!

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Created by Charmve & UFund-Me Community belongs to maiwei.ai | Deployed on Web