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bolt Integration Pack

StackStorm integration pack for Puppet Bolt. This pack allows you to run any bolt command as a StackStorm action. ChatOps aliases are also available so bolt commands can be invoked from chat.

Quick Start

Getting start with Bolt is easy! Run the following commands to install this pack and the install Bolt on your StackStorm host:

st2 pack install bolt
st2 run bolt.install

Ensure Bolt is working by running a command on the localhost:

st2 run bolt.command_run targets=local://localhost command="date"


Copy the example configuration in bolt.yaml.example to /opt/stackstorm/configs/bolt.yaml and edit as required. These configuration options are copied from the Bolt configuration. For more details please see the Bolt configuration options documentation.

  • cwd - Current working directory where bolt will be executed
  • env - Environment variables to override when executing bolt
  • cmd - Path to the bolt executable [default = /usr/local/bin/bolt]
  • host_key_check - Check host keys with SSH
  • ssl - Use SSL with WinRM
  • ssl_verify - Verify remote host SSL certificate with WinRM
  • concurrency - Maximum number of simultaneous connections (default: 100)
  • compile_concurrency - Maximum number of simultaneous manifest block compiles (default: number of cores)
  • modulepath - List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
  • boltdir - Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
  • configfile - Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
  • inventoryfile - Specify where to load inventory from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml)
  • transport - Specify a default transport: ssh, winrm, pcp, local
  • connect_timeout - Connection timeout (defaults vary)
  • tty - Request a pseudo TTY on targets that support it
  • tmpdir - The directory to upload and execute temporary files on the target
  • format - Output format to use: human or json [default = json]
  • color - Whether to show output in color
  • verbose - Display verbose logging
  • debug_ - Display debug logging
  • trace - Display error stack traces
  • credentials - Mapping of name to an object containing credential information
    • user - User to authenticate as
    • password - Password to authenticate with. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
    • private_key - Private ssh key to authenticate with
    • run_as - User to run as using privilege escalation
    • sudo_password - Password for privilege escalation. Omit the value to prompt for the password.

Note : All actions allow you to specify a credentials parameter that will reference the credentials information in the config. Alternatively all actions allow you to override these credential parameters so a config isn't required.

Note : When modifying the configuration in /opt/stackstorm/configs/ please remember to tell StackStorm to load these new values by running st2ctl reload --register-configs

Configuration Credentials

Most options in the config are simply key/value pairs, with the exception of credentials. In order to make working with the Bolt pack easier, we've provided a mechanism to store credentials in the pack's config. Credentials are stored as a dictionary, sometimes called a hash, where the key is the name of the credential and the values are the credential information (username, password, etc).

Below is an example of a simple config with a single credential named dev:

    user: 'test_user'
    password: 'myPassword'

Multiple credentials can also be specified:

    user: 'test_user'
    password: 'myPassword'
    user: 'qa_user'
    password: 'xxxYYYzzz!!!'
    user: 'prod_user'
    password: 'lkdjfldsfjO#U)R$'

These credentials can then be referenced by name when executing a bolt pack action using the credentials parameter available on every action. Example:

# use login information from the "dev" credential stored in the config
st2 run bolt.command_run targets="devserver01.domain.tld" command="ls /data" credentials="dev"

Configuration Example

The configuration below is an example of what a end-user config might look like. One of the most common config options will most likely be the modulepath, that will direct bolt at the place where they've installed their Puppet modules.

concurrency: 200
modulepath: '/opt/custom/bolt/modules'
boltdir: '/opt/custom/bolt'
configfile: /opt/custom/bolt/bolt.yaml'
inventoryfile: '/opt/custom/bolt/inventory/dev.yaml'

# map of name -> credentials object
    user: 'first.last@domain.tld'
    password: 'secretSauce!'
    user: 'boltuser'
    password: 'xyz123'
    private_key: '/opt/custom/bolt/ssh/id_rsa'
    run_as: 'boltsudo'
    sudo_password: 'abc456'


Actions in the Bolt pack mirror the bolt CLI where each action represents a different CLI command.

Note Before any actions are executed, bolt must be installed on all StackStorm nodes. This can be done by Configuration Management such as Puppet, Chef, or Ansible. Alternatively, we've provided the bolt.install action that will install bolt on CentOS/RHEL 6 and 7, and Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04.

Below is a list of currently available actions:

  • bolt.apply - Apply Puppet manifest code.
  • bolt.command_run - Runs a command remotely.
  • bolt.file_upload - Upload local file src to dest on each target.
  • bolt.install - Installs Bolt on the StackStorm node.
  • bolt.plan_list - Show list of available plans.
  • bolt.plan_run - Run a Puppet task plan.
  • bolt.plan_show - Show details for plan.
  • bolt.puppetfile_install - Install modules from a Puppetfile into a Boltdir.
  • bolt.puppetfile_show_modules - List modules available to Bolt
  • bolt.script_run - Upload a local script and run it remotely.
  • bolt.task_list - Show list of available tasks.
  • bolt.task_run - Run a Puppet task.
  • bolt.task_show - Show documentation for task.

Action Example - bolt.apply

bolt.apply is used to apply a Puppet manifest file on remote hosts using the Puppet agent. The manifest parameter is the path to the manifest file on the StackStorm host that will be uploaded to the remote targets and applied with the Puppet agent.

st2 run bolt.apply manifest="/etc/puppetlabs/code/test.pp" targets=host1.domain.tld

Action Example - bolt.command_run

bolt.command_run is used to execute arbitrary commands on remote hosts. The command parameter is a string of what should be executed:

st2 run bolt.command_run command="ls -l /tmp" targets=host1.domain.tld

Action Example - bolt.file_upload

bolt.file_upload uploads a file from the local StackStorm host src to a remote location dst on all targets specified during execution.

  • src - Path on the local StackStorm host filesystem of the file to be uploaded.
  • dest - Path on the remote targets where the file should be uploaded to.
st2 run bolt.file_upload src='/opt/stackstorm/data/myfile.txt' dest='/data' targets=host1.domain.tld,host2.domain.tld

Action Example - bolt.install

bolt.install installs Bolt on the local StackStorm host, so the rest of the actions can be executed.

st2 run bolt.install

Action Example - bolt.plan_list

bolt.plan_list returns a list of plans that bolt has in its modulepath.

st1 run bolt.plan_list

Action Example - bolt.plan_run

bolt.plan_run runs a Bolt Plan. When executing a plan you can pass parameters to the plan by using the params option which takes a string of pre-formatted parameters, just like you would supply on the CLI. Parameters on the CLI are specified in parameter=value format. For more information please consult the bolt plan documentation.

st2 run bolt.plan_run targets="devserver01.domain.tld" plan="dns::upgrade" params="zone=xyz123.domain.tld. ttl=3200"

Alternatively parameters can be specified in object notation using the params_obj parameter. This allows native parameter passing within workflow engines such as Orquesta, Mistral and ActionChain. On the CLI this parameter takes in a JSON formatted string.

CLI example (JSON string):

st2 run bolt.plan_run targets="devserver01.domain.tld" plan="dns::upgrade" params_obj='{"zone": "xyz123.domain.tld",  "ttl": 3200}'

Orquesta example (YAML object notation):

    action: bolt.plan_run
      plan: "dns::upgrade"
      targets: "devserver01.domain.tld"
        zone: "xyz123.domain.tld"
        ttl: 3200

Action Example - bolt.plan_show

bolt.plan_show describes details bout a plan available in bolt's modulepath.

st2 run bolt.plan_show plan="dns::upgrade"

Action Example - bolt.puppetfile_install

bolt.puppetfile_install installs modules from the Puppetfile located in the boltdir, into the first directory found in modulepath.

Example, if my Puppetfile lives in /custom/data/Pupptefile and I want to install modules into /custom/data/modules I would run:

st2 run bolt.puppetfile_install boltdir='/custom/data` modulepath='/custom/data/modules`

Action Example - bolt.puppetfile_show_modules

bolt.puppetfile_show_modules shows all of the available Puppet modules in Bolt's modulepath.

st2 run bolt.puppetfile_show_modules modulepath='/custom/data/modules`

Action Example - bolt.script_run

bolt.script_run uploads a local script, specified by the script paramter, from the StackStorm node and run it remotely.

st2 run bolt.script_run script=/opt/stackstorm/scripts/test.sh targets=host1.domain.tld,host2.domain.tld

Action Example - bolt.task_list

bolt.task_list shows a list of all available tasks in bolt's modulepath.

st2 run bolt.task_list

Action Example - bolt.task_run

bolt.task_run Runs a Puppet task

st2 run bolt.task_run task="service::linux" params='name=rsyslog action=restart'

Action Example - bolt.task_show

bolt.task_show returns documentation for a task in bolt's modulepath.

st2 run bolt.task_show task="service::linux"

Action Example - bolt.version

bolt.version returns the version of Bolt installed on the StackStorm node.

st2 run bolt.version"


ChatOps aliases are available for a large portion of the bolt actions. By default these aliases are disabled. Editing the alias files and change them to enabled: true. Then run st2ctl reload --register-aliases.

Below is a list of available aliases:

  • bolt.command_run
  • bolt.plan_list
  • bolt.plan_show
  • bolt.task_list
  • bolt.task_run
  • bolt.task_show