- 0
Add Ubuntu 22.04 support
#737 opened by nzlosh - 0
Add RockyLinux 9 (RHEL9)
#735 opened by nzlosh - 0
Remove all references of CentOS
#738 opened by nzlosh - 0
Drop CentOS7 (RHEL7) support
#736 opened by nzlosh - 0
Drop Ubuntu 18.04 support from packaging
#731 opened by arm4b - 1
How to build ARM pacakge
#621 opened by longfei-zhang - 0
- 2
Review build process for ldap and rbac
#716 opened by cognifloyd - 2
EWC OSS: RBAC assignments and definitions integration
#649 opened by arm4b - 2
The st2 port is configured in the config file. But directly fixed in files such as service, socket, client, etc.
#686 opened by huzunhao - 1
- 3
Disable rsyslog logging for ST2 services
#532 opened by sibirajal - 3
rabbitMQ version on EL8 hardcoded
#694 opened by amanda11 - 0
Use bash -n to check scripts
#692 opened by blag - 0
Installing st2 v3.4dev does not wait for the y/n input to confirm the python3.6 installation form the deadsnakes repository
#688 opened by winem - 1
Migrate Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) from py2 to py3
#672 opened by arm4b - 0
Remove the st2resultstracker service from packaging
#668 opened by arm4b - 0
Move packaging into the st2 repo
#662 opened by arm4b - 1
(action file most likely doesn't exist or contains invalid syntax): No module named cx_Oracle
#661 opened by jo9208 - 2
packagingrunner failed at ppc linux - exec user process caused "exec format error"
#648 opened by dove-young - 0
- 1
- 2
WARNING mistralclient.auth.keystone [-] You must either provide a valid token or a password (api_key) and a user.
#516 opened by arm4b - 0
Move MongoDB 3.4 -> 4.0 for EL7/U16 due to EOL
#643 opened by arm4b - 1
StackStorm credentials leak from '~/.st2/config'
#558 opened by arm4b - 0
- 2
'repoquery -y' fails on EL6 and EL7
#641 opened by arm4b - 4
Bug in echo command on
#624 opened by AshleyDumaine - 3
Add Ubuntu 18.04 support
#554 opened by arm4b - 3
- 6
Fatal error when uninstalling st2 package
#594 opened by nmaludy - 0
Better dependency handling for st2mistral packages.
#524 opened by LindsayHill - 8
Install script attempts to restart non-existent st2workflowengine component
#576 opened by tcosprojects - 0
Use 'st2 login' instead of modifying '~/.st2/config'
#520 opened by arm4b - 0
Smoke tests for mistral not running
#529 opened by Mierdin - 0
Move mistral repo to Circle CI 2.0
#546 opened by Kami - 1
Move build to CircleCI 2.0
#536 opened by arm4b - 1
Fatal: destination path '/tmp/mistral-...' already exists and is not an empty directory
#542 opened by arm4b - 0
Installer output shouldn't expose Password
#540 opened by arm4b - 0
Add systemd startup order dependencies
#531 opened by arm4b - 1
Automated updates for API docs
#519 opened by Mierdin - 4
- 0
Installation script should work with proxy
#500 opened by LindsayHill - 3
Write install logs to file as well as stdout
#499 opened by LindsayHill - 0
- 1
- 1
- 0
- 3
Write uninstall script
#502 opened by LindsayHill - 0
Installer scripts should use `st2 pack install`
#482 opened by LindsayHill