
Vision-Board 开发板是 RT-Thread 推出基于瑞萨 Cortex-M85 架构 RA8D1 芯片,为工程师们提供了一个灵活、全面的开发平台,助力开发者在机器视觉领域获得更深层次的体验。

Primary LanguageC


English | 中文


sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board is the support package developed by the RT-Thread team for the Vision-Board development board. It serves as a software SDK for users to simplify their application development process.

The Vision-Board development board, based on the Renesas Cortex-M85 architecture RA8D1 chip, offers engineers a flexible and comprehensive development platform, empowering them to explore the realm of machine vision more deeply.


Directory Structure

$ sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board
├── README.md
├── sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board.yaml
├── documents
│   ├── coding_style_cn.md
│   ├── RA8D1_Datasheet.pdf
│   ├── RA8D1_User’s Manual.pdf
│   ├── Vision_Board_schematic.pdf
│   └── images
├── libraries
│   ├── HAL_Drivers
├── projects
│   ├── lcd
│   │   ├── vision_board_mipi_2.0inch
│   │   ├── vision_board_mipi_7.0inch
│   │   └── vision_board_rgb_4.3inch
│   ├── doom
│   │   ├── vision_board_mipi_2.0inch_doom
│   │   └── vision_board_rgb_4.3inch_doom
│   ├── nes
│   │   ├── vision_board_mipi_2.0inch_nes
│   │   └── vision_board_rgb_4.3inch_nes
│   ├── lvgl
│   │   ├── vision_board_mipi_2.0inch_lvgl
│   │   └── vision_board_rgb_4.3inch_lvgl
│   ├── vision_board_blink_led
│   ├── vision_board_openmv
│   └── vision_board_wifi
└── rt-thread
  • sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board.yaml: Contains hardware information for Vision-Board.
  • documents: Includes drawings, documents, images, datasheets, etc.
  • libraries: Generic peripheral drivers for RA8D1.
  • projects: Consists of example project folders, including factory programs, OpenMV programs, etc.
  • rt-thread: Holds the RT-Thread source code.


sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board supports development using both RT-Thread Studio and MDK.

RT-Thread Studio Development Steps

  1. Open RT-Thread Studio and install the Vision Board development board support package (it's recommended to install the latest version).

  1. Download and install PyOCD version ≥0.2.3 (required for firmware flashing).

  1. Create a new Vision Board project by selecting File -> New -> RT-Thread Project -> Based on Development Board. You can create example or template projects.

  1. Compile and download the project.

MDK Development Steps

  1. Execute the mklinks.bat file to generate two folders: rt-thread and libraries.

Note: If the mklinks script cannot be executed, manually copy the rt-thread and libraries folders from the sdk-bsp-ra8d1-vision-board directory to the project directory.

  1. Open the project.uvprojx file to launch the MDK project.


  1. Click the build button to compile the project.

  1. Click the download button to flash the firmware.