
The official command line interface for Cycleops

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Cycleops CLI

This is the official command line interface for the Cycleops API.


To run the Cycleops CLI either Python 3.11 or newer, or Docker is required.



The Cycleops CLI is available as a Python package on PyPI:

pip install cycleops
CYCLEOPS_API_KEY=your-api-key cycleops --help


If your system is running Docker, you can also use Cycleops directly its Docker image:

docker run -e CYCLEOPS_API_KEY=your-api-key ghcr.io/stackmasters/cycleops --help



To authenticate with the Cycleops CLI, you need to provide an API key. Documentation on how to create an API key is available at https://cycleops.io/docs/api-keys/create-a-new-api-key.

Environment variable

Set the CYCLEOPS_API_KEY environment variable to your API key.

export CYCLEOPS_API_KEY=<cycleops_api_key>

Command line option

Configure the Cycleops client through the command line interface.

cycleops --api-key=<cycleops_api_key> services update <service_id> --variable <key>=<value>

Note: If both the environment variable and command line option are set, the command line option will be used by default.


List of all of the available units

cycleops units list


List your environments

cycleops environments list


List your hosts

cycleops hosts list

Retrieve a host

cycleops hosts retrieve <host_name>|<host_id>

Create a host

cycleops hosts create --name <host_name> --ip <host_ip> --environment-id <environment_id> --jump-host true|false --hostgroup-id <hostgroup_id> ... --hostgroup-id <hostgroup_id>

Update a host

cycleops hosts update <host_name>|<host_id> --name <host_name> --ip <host_ip> --environment-id <environment_id> --jump-host true|false --hostgroup-id <hostgroup_id> ... --hostgroup-id <hostgroup_id>

Delete a host

cycleops hosts delete <host_name>|<host_id>


List your services

cycleops services list

Retrieve a service

cycleops services retrieve <service_name>|<service_id>

Create a service

cycleops services create --name <service_name> --unit-id <unit_id>

Update a service

cycleops services update <service_name>|<service_id> --name <service_name> --description <service_description --unit-id <unit_id> --variable <key_1>=<value_1> --variable <key_2>=<value_2> ... --variable <key_n>=<value_n>

Delete a service

cycleops services delete <service_name>|<service_id>

Create a Container

cycleops services create-container <service_name>|<service_id> <container_name> --image <image_name>:<image_tag> --ports <ports>,<ports> --volumes <volume>,<volume>,<volume> --env-file <env_file_path> --command <command>

Update a Container

cycleops services update-container <service_name>|<service_id> <container_name> --name <new_container_name> --image <image_name>:<image_tag> --ports <ports>,<ports> --volumes <volume>,<volume>,<volume> --env-file <env_file_path> --command <command>


List your stacks

cycleops stacks list

Retrieve a stack

cycleops stacks retrieve <stack_name>|<stack_id>

Create a stack

cycleops stacks create --name <stack_name>

Update a stack

cycleops stacks update <stack_name>|<stack_id> --name <stack_name> --description <stack_description> --unit-id <unit_id> ... --unit-id <unit_id>

Delete a stack

cycleops stacks delete <stack_name>|<stack_id>


List your setups

cycleops setups list

Retrieve a setup

cycleops setups retrieve <setup_name>|<setup_id>

Create a setup

cycleops setups create --name <setup_name>

Update a setup

cycleops setups update <setup_name>|<setup_id> --name <setup_name> --stack-id <stack_id> --environment-id <environment_id> --host-id <host_id> ... --host-id <host_id> --hostgroup-id <hostgroup_id> ... --hostgroup-id <hostgroup_id> --service-id <service_id> ... --service-id <service_id>

Delete a setup

cycleops setups delete <setup_name>|<setup_id>

Deploy a setup

cycleops setups deploy <setup_name>|<setup_id> --wait

Use --wait to wait for the deployment job to complete and display deployment logs.

Destroy a setup

cycleops setups destroy <setup_name>|<setup_id>

Terminates all running containers associated with the specified setup.

Note: Use delete to only remove the setup from Cycleops without terminating any running containers.

GitHub Actions

You can use Cycleops with your GitHub Actions to deploy a setup right from GitHub. For example this is how you could update the Docker image of a service and deploy a setup:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: "3.11"
      - name: Install Cycleops
        run: pip install cycleops
      - name: Update Cycleops services
        run: cycleops services update-container <service_name> <container_name> --image <image_name>:<image_tag>
      - name: Deploy Cycleops setups
        run: cycleops setups deploy <setup_name>


You can update a service's image and deploy a setup as follows:

$ cycleops services update default-container-ngnix --variable containers.0.image=nginx:1.23
$ cycleops setups deploy default-container-ngnix


This project is licensed under the MIT License