
Welcome to the Stacks Foundation Grant Program. Community members interested in submitting a grant proposal may do so by opening an issue in this repository and filling out the grant application.

Grants Dashboard Announcement

The Stacks Foundation's new Grants Dashboard launches on Monday, April 18th! In anticipation of this launch, the GitHub Grant Issues has been closed so that we can migrate all grant information over to the Grants Dashboard. Please note, in order to apply for grants or comment on grant on the Grants Dashboard you will need to connect your Discord account. If you received a note recently via GitHub requesting your Discord ID and have yet to provide it - OR - if you are not sure and you want to provided it anyway, please email ambassadors@stacks.org. Please use the subject line 'Discord' and in the body of the email provide us with your Discord ID and your GitHub username so that we can connect the two accounts.

On Friday, April 15th the Grants Dashboard will be demo'd at 9am EST at the end of the Community Call. Links to the Community Call Zoom meeting will be provided on the Stacks Discord server later this week. Lastly, not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 blog posts on the Grants Program will be coming out later this week as well. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this transition please drop them in the Grants channel on the Stacks Discord server or email ambassadors@stacks.org.


Stacks Grants Program

The goal of Stacks Grants are to fund infrastructure development, community resources, tools, research, and education that serve our mission of a user owned internet, powered by the Stacks Blockchain.

Stacks Foundation Grant Program {Alpha}


Tools and Services. Are you a web developer interested in building tools that make the protocol easier to interact with? Are you interested in increasing decentralization, data resiliency, and data portability? Can you build tools and services that make it easier for miners, developers, and tokenholders to interact with STX?

Examples: a Rosetta API gateway, STX Stacking wallet, STX custody solutions, alternate explorer, custom mining tools / dashboards, chain visualization / analytics, etc.

Education, Evangelism, and Collaboration. Are you experienced in communication, marketing, community or creative? Create resources that support or grow the community.

Examples: videos, documentation, tutorials, workshops, working groups, etc.

Core Protocol Development. Are you a blockchain developer or computer science researcher? **** Build core infrastructure that helps progress a user-owned internet.

Examples: alternate implementations, contributions to stacks-blockchain reference implementation, etc.

Wish list or Wildcard. Ready to contribute but not sure were to start? We're crowdsourcing ideas from across our ecosystem that best serve our mission. Check out our wish list for ideas or create your own proposal for a project you believe will add value to the ecosystem and explain why.

Grant Applications

Grant applications should clearly outline the project's purpose, who benefits, how the project will serve the mission, a measurable outcome, relevant experience from the individual/team, risks, and links to community input, research, or supporting work relevant to your project.

The grants proposal process was designed with input from the community. Applications are a part of the conversation with the STX ecosystem to seek feedback, input and collaborators. Applicants may benefit from presenting their idea in a blog post, video demo, or forum discussion to get more input and feedback. We strongly encourage applicants to consider how to continue sharing proposal updates, progress, and final deliverables with the community over time.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Must further the mission of a user owned internet
  • Contributions must be open source or use a permissive license (where required)
  • Grantees must verify their ID and sign a contract to obtain funding, restrictions may apply to citizens of OFAC countries
  • Grant applications should clearly outline the project's purpose, who benefits, how the project will serve the mission, a measurable outcome, relevant experience from the individual/team, risks, and links to community input, research, or supporting work relevant to your project.

How to Apply

Application Workflow

Submit. Submit an issue. Product-based proposals must include specs in the submission.

Submit a new proposal. We use the Issues feature on github for grant proposals. Click get started, and rename the grant to whatever you want. The issue is pre-populated with questions for you to answer. Answer each question in the space under the sentence. Click submit new issue. If you want to make any changes, in the navigation bar you go to issues --> find your proposal, and click edit in the top right. If you have an idea of something you're excited about, we want to help you make it happen!

Respond to a wishlist proposal. Check out the wishlist issues, and respond as a comment to the one you'd like to work on.

Feedback. Receive feedback from the Grants Committee within 7 days, if application incomplete or missing information, that is requested. We review updates batched every Tuesday at 2 PM EST, so keep that in mind if you want us to review your updated proposal within a week.

Community. Your proposal will be open to the community for feedback and comments as well. We encourage you to share your proposal in Discord, Telegram, the Forum, or to other parts of your community to solicit input from your peers.

Review. Completed applications are reviewed by the Grants Committee during the weekly review on Tuesdays. Committee assesses if the application is : accepted, passed, or needs more information. Feedback, comments, and status updates are provided publicly in Github comments.

Contract. Completed applications require a contract to finalize funding, it will include details on funding, delivery date, and impact if funding is not delivered.

Deliver. Submit deliverables by the agreed upon time in within the Github thread, and tag the committee. If the grant is broken into milestones, we'll continue to update on this thread.

Celebrate! Share your wins and your progress with the community. It's a great way to grow support of your work over time. We're all rooting for you!

Applicant Resources