Harmony Blockchain Sync Alerts

vStats Alerts

This is an automated script that will periodically check your node block height against the blockchain. If there is a difference then a OUT OF SYNC ALERT will be sent. You may also setup an FULLY SYNCED ALERT to occur a set number of times per 24 hours to confirm nodes are fully synced.

If you are installing this on a newly created server which is still syncing to the blockchain then you may wish to pause the script after its installed or lower the frequency of the checks (in the .env file). Otherwise you will get frequent out of sync alerts until your caught up again.


🚨 Shard 0 Behind -- master-server 🚨
Local Epoch 793: 20320698
Remote Epoch 796: 20441501
Difference: -120803


🔶 Shard 3 Synced -- master-server 🔶

1) Download the script

We suggest storing it in your home folder.

cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/DavidWhicker/harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts.git
cd harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts

To update use git pull

2) Get a token

Send the command /token to the @vStatsBot on telegram to get your token.

Copy the token, as message on telegram will auto delete after 60 seconds.

3) Setup

Install required packages if missing:

sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Rename .env.example to .env and edit the following variables:

cp .env.example .env
nano .env

VSTATS_TOKEN: Add your token from vstats

SHARD: Add your chosen shard

BLOCK_THRESHOLD: Variance in local vs remote node before alert is sent. e.g 20 = alerts where sync is less than 20 out will be ignored.

HARMONY_FOLDER: Add path containing .hmy ( run pwd in .hmy location to get full path ) e.g /home/serviceharmony/harmony

RUN_EVERY_X_MINUTES: Define in minutes how often you would like the script to run and send an alert if behind

FULLY_SYNCED_NOTIFICATIONS_PER_DAY: Define how often per 24 hours you would like an alert if you are fully synced. 0 = No status notifications

4) Test Script

Test the .env variables and script is working as expected.

Run the below from the script directory:

python3 alert.py

Alerts on screen AND vStatsBot should appear. Once successful, please cancel the script ( CTRL + C ) and move onto the next step.

5) Setup Service

Now setup script to run as a service in the background.

Run the following with root privileges. If you do not have access with root then you may setup a tmux session ( see: Alternative Setup - Tmux ).

Please note: add correct info for < USER > & < PATH TO SCRIPT >

cat<<-EOF > /etc/systemd/system/harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts.service
Description=harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts daemon

WorkingDirectory=<PATH TO SCRIPT>
ExecStart=python3 alert.py


Followed by:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo chmod 755 /etc/systemd/system/harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts.service
sudo systemctl enable harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts.service
sudo service harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts start
sudo service harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts status

5b) Alternative Setup - Tmux

tmux new-session -s syncscript

cd ~/harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts/

python3 alert.py


Check logs to make sure the script is running as expected.


Start Service

sudo service harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts start

Stop Service

sudo service harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts stop

Status Check

sudo service harmony_blockchain_sync_alerts status