
Java implementation of the soulbound NFT token

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Java Soulbound Token

This repository contains SCORE (Smart Contract for ICON) code for the Soulbound NFT token


You need to install JDK 11 or later version. Visit OpenJDK.net for prebuilt binaries. Or you can install a proper OpenJDK package from your OS vendors.

In macOS:

$ brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
$ brew cask install adoptopenjdk11

In Linux (Ubuntu 20.04):

$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk

How to Run

1. Build the project

$ ./gradlew build

The compiled jar bundle will be generated at ./hello-world/build/libs/hello-world-0.1.0.jar.

2. Optimize the jar

You need to optimize your jar bundle before you deploy it to local or ICON networks. This involves some pre-processing to ensure the actual deployment successful.

gradle-javaee-plugin is a Gradle plugin to automate the process of generating the optimized jar bundle. Run the optimizedJar task to generate the optimized jar bundle.

$ ./gradlew optimizedJar

The output jar will be located at ./hello-world/build/libs/hello-world-0.1.0-optimized.jar.

3. Deploy the optimized jar

Using goloop CLI command

Now you can deploy the optimized jar to ICON networks that support the Java SCORE execution environment. Assuming you are running a local network that is listening on port 9082 for incoming requests, you can create a deploy transaction with the optimized jar and deploy it to the local network as follows.

$ goloop rpc sendtx deploy ./soulbound/build/libs/soulbound-0.1.0-optimized.jar \
    --uri http://localhost:9082/api/v3 \
    --key_store <your_wallet_json> --key_password <password> \
    --nid 3 --step_limit=1000000 \
    --content_type application/java \
    --param name=Alice

[Note] The content type should be application/java instead of application/zip to differentiate it with the Python SCORE deployment.

Using deployJar extension

Starting with version 0.7.2 of gradle-javaee-plugin, you can also use the deployJar extension to specify all the information required for deployment.

deployJar {
    endpoints {
        local {
            uri = 'http://localhost:9082/api/v3'
            nid = 3
    keystore = rootProject.hasProperty('keystoreName') ? "$keystoreName" : ''
    password = rootProject.hasProperty('keystorePass') ? "$keystorePass" : ''
    parameters {
        arg('name', 'Alice')

Now you can run deployToLocal task as follows.

$ ./gradlew soulbound:deployToLocal -PkeystoreName=<your_wallet_json> -PkeystorePass=<password>

> Task :soulbound:deployToLocal
>>> deploy to http://localhost:9082/api/v3
>>> optimizedJar = ./siulbound/build/libs/hello-world-0.1.0-optimized.jar
>>> keystore = <your_wallet_json>
Succeeded to deploy: 0x699534c9f5277539e1b572420819141c7cf3e52a6904a34b2a2cdb05b95ab0a3
SCORE address: cxd6d044b01db068cded47bde12ed4f15a6da9f1d8

[Note] If you want to deploy to Lisbon testnet, use the following configuration for the endpoint and run deployToLisbon task.

deployJar {
    endpoints {
        lisbon {
            uri = 'https://lisbon.net.solidwallet.io/api/v3'
            nid = 0x2

4. Verify the execution

Check the deployed SCORE address first using the txresult command.

$ goloop rpc txresult <tx_hash> --uri http://localhost:9082/api/v3
  "scoreAddress": "cxaa736426a9caed44c59520e94da2d64888d9241b",



This project is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.