
Competitive Pokemon Discord Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SableyeBot 4

Invite this bot to your guild!

Competitive Pokémon Discord Bot, rewritten from the ground up.


SableyeBot v4 requires NodeJS v16.

Follow these steps to run your own local copy:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Rename example.env to .env and fill out the fields needed.
  3. Run npm i to install dependencies.
  4. Enter the server directory and run npm i to install its dependencies.
  5. Run npm run update-commands to update command definitions with Discord.
  6. Run npm run debug to run the application proper.
    • You should use ngrok or simlar to get this working in a test environment that isn't directly exposed to the internet.
  7. For production use, install pm2 and run npm run pm2-start.


If you find a bug, please include the following in your complaint:

  • A description of the bug (What should have happened? What did happen?)
  • Reproduction steps (This usually means pasting out the commands you used, including arguments)
  • Screenshots/Pastes of output, GIFs if necessary.
  • Bot version if you're running your own instance
    • /about has this info
    • Not needed if you're using the Verified bot @Sableye Bot#0303
  • Any other additional information you think might be useful.


If you can help me out I'm always open to pull requests. Don't worry about styling - as long as your code is prettier than a dumpster fire I'll fuss over the specifics myself.



MIT License