
Simple drawing interface using Tkinter in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Simple GUI for creating and modifying basic shapes

To Run

Use standard install of Python 2.7 (change to tkinter for import statement if using Python 3)

$ python shapes.py


  • Menubar features
    • Quit - Exits the program (can also use the std close window button at top right)
    • Draw - Sets the shape that will be created when left clicking on the canvas area
    • Set Fill - Opens a color palette to select the default fill color for new shapes
    • Set Outline - Opens a color palette to select the default outline color for new shapes
  • Canvas area mouse controls / contextual menus
    • Left click creates a new shape at that location
      • Circles are created at the center point
      • Squares are created at the top left corner
      • Triangles are created at the top point
    • Middle click and drag to move shapes (drops shape in new location upon release)
    • Right click on canvas
      • On open area - menu for selecting shapes to draw and a delete all shapes option
      • On shape - menu for editing the current shapes fill, outline, or dimensions and option to delete selected shape

Note: All shapes are created based on default dimensions and can be edited to change size.