
:space_invader: This is the Stamplay Command Line (CLI) Tool

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status npm version

This is the Stamplay Command Line (CLI) Tool. They can be used to:

  • Administer your Stamplay account
  • Interact with Stamplay Platform, our product to host your static HTML, JS, CSS, images, etc.

To get started with the Stamplay CLI, read through our hosting quickstart guide.


To install the Stamplay CLI, you first need to sign up for a Stamplay account.

Then you need to install Node.js and npm. Note that installing Node.js should install npm as well.

Once npm is installed, get the Stamplay CLI by running the following command:

npm install -g stamplay-cli

This will provide you with the globally accessible stamplay command.



   --message "msg", -m "msg"  Use the given "msg" as the deploy message.

Deploys the current app to Stamplay and creates a new version.

Uploads the directory detailed by the "public" attribute in the stamplay.json settings file under. The app must contain an entry point file called index.html at root level of your public directory. If no file is found you'll be prompted to create it.


   --proxy "address"       The requests will be sent via a connection to the proxy server.

Download the current active version of an app.

You will be prompted to type appId and apiKey, if you don't have it go into your app on https://editor.stamplay.com and get them under Backend -> ApiKey section.


   --proxy "address"       The requests will be sent via a connection to the proxy server.

Initializes an existing Stamplay app in the current directory and prompts you to configuring it for stamplayapp.com.

Running stamplay init in an existing repository is safe. It will not overwrite things that are already there.
It only Generates a stamplay.json file in the current directory with all the settings required to deploy it. If you don't have appId and apiKey yet open https://editor.stamplay.com and create a new app.


   --port, -p		       Specifies a custom port where the local server must run.
   --spa                   Enable Single Page Application mode (Rewrite all URLs to index.html,
                           use it to support pretty URLs with AngularJS HTML5 Mode).

Start serving your app on your localhost. The public folder will be served at the following address http://localhost:8080.


Opens the current Stamplay app's stamplayapp.com subdomain in a browser.


Restore in production a previously deployed version. You'll be prompted to pick one of your previous deploys from a list.


The command stamplay --help lists the available commands.