

The application is built respecting modular design and SOLID principles:

  • CatalogueCore module consists all the business models and rules. It is compiled as a platform-agnostic framework that can be reused in another application-specific target - iOS, and macOS. It also contains fast and reliable unit tests for the main components. Because it is a macOS target the tests are executed on the Mac and there is no need to instantiate simulators.
  • CatalogueiOS module is an application application-specific target built for iOS and contains all the UI needed for the application. The UI is built in simple MVC.

Ideas for improvement

  • Similar to LoadSportsUseCaseTests such tests can be created for RemoteSportEventsLoader
  • Similar to SportsViewControllerTests such tests can be created for SportEventsViewController
  • SportCell and SportEventCell configurations can be moved to another component reducing the view controller responsibilities
  • All presentation logic could be extracted in a separate component or module which is ui framework-independent ant thus it can be used with SwiftUI as well
  • Some code duplications can be extracted in reusable methods
  • Test plans can be configured for CI on a remote server (for ex. Github actions)
  • Server URL and auth token should not be placed in the code