Particle System

This is a small particle system written in C++14/17 with OpenGL. It uses compute shader to compute the movement of the particles.

Build and Run

Clone the repository:

git clone

Then build it:

cd OpenGL_ParticleSystem
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8

Execute the application and run one example scene:



  • W, A, S, D - Moving the camera
  • E, Q - Adjusting the attractor's depth
  • Left mouse button - Activating the attractor mode (Camera does not move anymore)
  • Right mouse button - Activating the attractor as the source of gravity (Only in attractor mode)
  • TAB - Toggle Fps in title bar. Only visible when in window mode.

Errors and Problems

If no GLFW window can be created nor an OpenGL context then make sure you've got the latest graphics driver which supports OpenGL 4.3.


I started this project to learn OpenGL. It has been revised several times since the first commit. When there are bugs, design problems or inconsistencies please let me know.