This repo contains demo application, which can load different networks, create pipelines, record video, etc.
Documentation is available at
DepthAI Demo requires numpy, opencv-python and depthai.
To get the versions of these packages you need for the program, use pip: (Make sure pip is upgraded: python3 -m pip install -U pip
- RGB & CNN inference example
python3 -vid <path_to_video>
- CNN inference on video example
python3 -cnn person-detection-retail-0013
- Run person-detection-retail-0013
model from resources/nn
python3 -cnn tiny-yolo-v3 -sh 8
- Run tiny-yolo-v3
model from resources/nn
directory and compile for 8 shaves
$ --help
usage: [-h] [-nd] [-cam {left,right,color}]
[-vid VIDEO] [-hq] [-dd] [-cnnp CNN_PATH]
[-cnn CNN_MODEL] [-sh SHAVES]
[-cnn-size CNN_INPUT_SIZE] [-rgbr {1080,2160,3040}]
[-med {0,3,5,7}] [-lrc] [-scale SCALE] [-sbb]
[-sbb-sf SBB_SCALE_FACTOR] [-sync]
[-monor {400,720,800}] [-monof MONO_FPS]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-nd, --no-debug Prevent debug output
-cam {left,right,color}, --camera {left,right,color}
Use one of DepthAI cameras for inference (conflicts
with -vid)
-vid VIDEO, --video VIDEO
Path to video file to be used for inference (conflicts
with -cam)
-hq, --high_quality Low quality visualization - uses resized frames
-dd, --disable_depth Disable depth information
-cnnp CNN_PATH, --cnn_path CNN_PATH
Path to cnn model directory to be run
-cnn CNN_MODEL, --cnn_model CNN_MODEL
Cnn model to run on DepthAI
-sh SHAVES, --shaves SHAVES
Name of the nn to be run from default depthai
-cnn-size CNN_INPUT_SIZE, --cnn_input_size CNN_INPUT_SIZE
Neural network input dimensions, in "WxH" format, e.g.
-rgbr {1080,2160,3040}, --rgb_resolution {1080,2160,3040}
RGB cam res height: (1920x)1080, (3840x)2160 or
(4056x)3040. Default: 1080
-rgbf RGB_FPS, --rgb_fps RGB_FPS
RGB cam fps: max 118.0 for H:1080, max 42.0 for
H:2160. Default: 30.0
Disparity confidence threshold, used for depth
measurement. Default: 200
-med {0,3,5,7}, --stereo_median_size {0,3,5,7}
Disparity / depth median filter kernel size (N x N) .
0 = filtering disabled. Default: 7
-lrc, --stereo_lr_check
Enable stereo 'Left-Right check' feature.
-scale SCALE, --scale SCALE
Scale factor for the output window. Default: 1.0
-sbb, --spatial_bounding_box
Display spatial bounding box (ROI) when displaying
spatial information. The Z coordinate get's calculated
from the ROI (average)
-sbb-sf SBB_SCALE_FACTOR, --sbb_scale_factor SBB_SCALE_FACTOR
Spatial bounding box scale factor. Sometimes lower
scale factor can give better depth (Z) result.
Default: 0.3
-sync, --sync Enable NN/camera synchronization. If enabled, camera
source will be from the NN's passthrough attribute
-monor {400,720,800}, --mono_resolution {400,720,800}
Mono cam res height: (1280x)720, (1280x)800 or
(640x)400. Default: 400
-monof MONO_FPS, --mono_fps MONO_FPS
Mono cam fps: max 60.0 for H:720 or H:800, max 120.0
for H:400. Default: 30.0
OpenVINO toolkit contains components which allow conversion of existing supported trained Caffe
and Tensorflow
models into Intel Movidius binary format through the Intermediate Representation (IR) format.
Example of the conversion:
First the
tool will convert the model to IR format:cd <path-to-openvino-folder>/deployment_tools/model_optimizer python3 --model_name ResNet50 --output_dir ResNet50_IR_FP16 --framework tf --data_type FP16 --input_model inference_graph.pb
- The command will produce the following files in the
- weights file;ResNet50.xml
- execution graph for the network;ResNet50.mapping
- mapping between layers in original public/custom model and layers within IR.
- The command will produce the following files in the
The weights (
) and graph (.xml
) files produced above (or from the Intel Model Zoo) will be required for building a blob file, with the help of themyriad_compile
tool. When producing blobs, the following constraints must be applied:CMX-SLICES = 4 SHAVES = 4 INPUT-FORMATS = 8 OUTPUT-FORMATS = FP16/FP32 (host code for meta frame display should be updated accordingly)
Example of command execution:
<path-to-openvino-folder>/deployment_tools/inference_engine/lib/intel64/myriad_compile -m ./ResNet50.xml -o ResNet50.blob -ip U8 -VPU_NUMBER_OF_SHAVES 4 -VPU_NUMBER_OF_CMX_SLICES 4
We are actively developing the DepthAI framework, and it's crucial for us to know what kind of problems you are facing.
If you run into a problem, please follow the steps below and email
- Run
and share the output from (log_system_information.txt
). - Take a photo of a device you are using (or provide us a device model)
- Describe the expected results;
- Describe the actual running results (what you see after started your script with DepthAI)
- How you are using the DepthAI python API (code snippet, for example)
- Console output