Reward shaping approach for instruction following settings, leveraging language at multiple levels of abstraction.

Primary LanguagePython

ELLA: Exploration through Learned Language Abstraction

Authors: Suvir Mirchandani, Siddharth Karamcheti, Dorsa Sadigh

In this work, we introduce ELLA: Exploration through Learned Language Abstraction, a reward shaping approach for instruction following. ELLA correlates high-level instructions with simpler low-level instructions to enrich the sparse rewards afforded by the environment. ELLA has two key elements: 1) A termination classifier that identifies when agents complete low-level instructions, and 2) A relevance classifier that correlates low-level instructions with success on high-level tasks. We learn the termination classifier offline from pairs of instructions and terminal states, and we learn the relevance classifier online. Please see our preprint on Arxiv for details.


Clone this repository.

git clone https://github.com/Stanford-ILIAD/ELLA.git

Create a new environment and activate it.

conda env create -f env.yml -n ella
conda activate ella

Install BabyAI and MiniGrid.

cd babyai
pip install -e .
cd ../gym-minigrid
pip install -e .

wandb integration is built into this codebase: optionally, run wandb login, and uncomment the --wb option in the training scripts.

Sample Runs:

These examples are for the PutNext-Room (PNL) Level with GoTo-Room (GTL) as a subtask.

Generate demos

These are used by ELLA's termination classifier, ELLA's relevance classifier (for validation), and LEARN.


Train classifiers

Train ELLA's termination classifier, initialize ELLA's relevance classifier, and train LEARN's classifier.


Run RL

Run vanilla PPO, PPO with ELLA, or PPO with LEARN.


Code Structure & Notable Files:

  • babyai: Contains our customized version of the package
    • ./babyai: Internal logic for BabyAI
      • ./levels: Level definitions
      • ./rl/algos/ppo.py: PPO implementation
      • ./shaped_env.py: Custom vectorized environment that parallelizes reward shaping computations
      • ./model.py: FiLM architecture used in RL; repurposed for termination classifier
    • ./scripts: External scripts to define and train models
      • ./subtask_prediction_model.py: Defines relevance classifier
      • ./subtask_prediction.py: Defines online dataset and boilerplate for training relevance classifier
      • ./train_subtask_prediction_model.py: Script for training/pre-training relevance classifier
      • ./train_rl.py: Script for training RL agents
      • ./imitation.py: Boilerplate for training IL models / termination classifier
      • ./train_il.py: Script for training IL models / termination classifier
  • scripts: Scripts for training models
    • ./sample_runs: Sample scripts (see above)
