
Lassen read/write registers

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Kuree commented

Peak core needs to output the following ports:

  • config_addr -> this is 8 bits.
  • config_data -> this is 32-bit wide
  • read_config_data -> this can be any size
  • config_en -> this is the write signal
  • reset -> 1-bit signal that sets everything to zero

Notice that there is no read signal (sorry I lied). The core should always returns the values to read_config_data given the addr.

Kuree commented

EDIT: updated reset signal requirements.


how does the following address mapping sounds:
config_addr[0:2] == BitVector[3](3) => Data0, and Data1 register
config_addr[0:2] == BitVector[3](4) => Bit0,Bit1,Bit2 registers.

Kuree commented

Sounds good.

@leonardt, I have a branch called 'config' in which I am adding these ports and this logic.

I needed to update to always output the register value along with the appropriate value based off the mode (so 2 outputs). Once I do this, I get the following error:

____________________________________________ ERROR collecting tests/ ____________________________________________
tests/ in <module>
    pe_magma = gen_pe(magma.get_family(), use_assembler=True)
lassen/ in gen_pe
    PE = m.circuit.sequential(PE)
../magma/magma/ in wrapped
    return fn(enclosing_env, *args, **kwargs)
../magma/magma/syntax/ in _sequential
    stmt = rewriter.visit(stmt)
../miniconda3/envs/peak/lib/python3.7/ in visit
    return visitor(node)
../miniconda3/envs/peak/lib/python3.7/ in generic_visit
    new_node = self.visit(old_value)
../miniconda3/envs/peak/lib/python3.7/ in visit
    return visitor(node)
../magma/magma/syntax/ in visit_Call
    assert len(outputs) == 1, f"Expected one output: {outputs}"
E   AssertionError: Expected one output: [RegisterMode_inst0.O0, RegisterMode_inst0.O1]

@rdaly525 sequential only supports one output, I'll have to add that feature to magma, it may take some time.

Okay magma branch sequential-multiple-outputs adds initial support for this, but having a hard time testing because it avoids the above error but gets to

  File "/Users/lenny/repos/magma/magma/", line 42, in compile_function_to_file
    exec(compile(astor.to_source(tree), filename=file_name, mode="exec"), defn_env)
  File ".magma/", line 5, in <module>
    class PE_comb(m.Circuit):
  File "/Users/lenny/repos/magma/magma/", line 471, in __new__
  File ".magma/", line 30, in definition
    data01_addr_0 = io.config_addr[0:2] == family.BitVector[3](3)
  File "/Users/lenny/repos/mantle/mantle/common/", line 43, in wrapped
    check_widths(width, args)
  File "/Users/lenny/repos/mantle/mantle/common/", line 33, in check_widths
    f"All arguments should have the same length: {args}")
ValueError: All arguments should have the same length: (bits([PE_comb.config_addr[0], PE_comb.config_addr[1]
]), bits([1, 1, 0]))

The issue is that

            data01_addr = (config_addr[0:2] == family.BitVector[3](3))

doesn't type check. config_addr[0:2] is a 2 bit value, BitVector[3] is a 3 bit value, @rdaly525 what's the expected code? Should the config_addr slice be a 3 bit value?

Oh, I screwed up the indexing (it should be 3 bits). I wasnt able to get that far in my testing. Ill use the multiple outputs branch

Okay, the change to magma was fairly small, so I'm not exactly sure if it works, let me know if you run into a problem, I'll try to craft a standalone magma unit test to verify it's functionality

@Kuree, the branch 'config' should be in a state which you could start trying to integrate it into garnet.

I just need to update the rest of the tests and write some more unit tests.

EDIT: Sorry, nevermind still seeing magma errors.

@leonardt, can you look at this branch again?
Latest magma error: when running pytest tests/

____________________________________________ ERROR collecting tests/ ____________________________________________
tests/ in <module>
    pe_magma = gen_pe(magma.get_family(), use_assembler=True)
lassen/ in gen_pe
    PE = m.circuit.sequential(PE)
../magma/magma/ in wrapped
    return fn(enclosing_env, *args, **kwargs)
../magma/magma/syntax/ in _sequential
    circuit_def = ast_utils.compile_function_to_file(tree, cls.__name__, defn_env)
../magma/magma/ in compile_function_to_file
    raise Exception(f"Error occured when compiling and executing m.circuit.combinational function {func_name}, see above") from None
E   Exception: Error occured when compiling and executing m.circuit.combinational function PE, see above
----------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout -----------------------------------------------------
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/rdaly/magma/magma/", line 42, in compile_function_to_file
    exec(compile(astor.to_source(tree), filename=file_name, mode="exec"), defn_env)
  File ".magma/", line 5, in <module>
    class PE_comb(m.Circuit):
  File "/Users/rdaly/magma/magma/", line 471, in __new__
  File ".magma/", line 50, in definition
    ra_0, ra_rdata_0 = self_rega_[RegisterMode_inst0.O0,
NameError: name 'self_rega_' is not defined

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/rdaly/magma/magma/", line 42, in compile_function_to_file
    exec(compile(astor.to_source(tree), filename=file_name, mode="exec"), defn_env)
  File ".magma/", line 5, in <module>
    class PE(m.Circuit):
  File "/Users/rdaly/magma/magma/", line 471, in __new__
  File ".magma/", line 34, in definition
    Data, Bit, Data32):
  File "/Users/rdaly/magma/magma/", line 75, in wrapped
    return fn(enclosing_env, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/rdaly/magma/magma/syntax/", line 238, in combinational
  File "/Users/rdaly/magma/magma/", line 47, in compile_function_to_file
    raise Exception(f"Error occured when compiling and executing m.circuit.combinational function {func_name}, see above") from None
Exception: Error occured when compiling and executing m.circuit.combinational function PE_comb, see above

@Kuree, changed config_addr to 8 bits